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In October, releases include the 22.10 versions of AppDynamics SaaS Controller, AppDynamics Cloud, and the Account Management Portal.

In this article…

What’s new in this month’s feature enhancements?

What’s new? The following release highlights include the newest features and capabilities for October 2022. Check out the table below to see who in your organization may be most interested in or impacted by each highlighted enhancement.

AppDynamics Cloud
Actions API (Beta)
Application troubleshooting with logs
K8s Workloads: Efficiency and Risk Profilers
Log Detail Page: UI updates
Metrics model enhanced
Subparser support
UI changes

Analytics Agent
Java Agent
Machine Agent
SaaS Controller
Custom Event
Dash Studio: iframe support
Mutual TLS authentication
Account Administration
Create multiple users at once

NOTE | Product enhancements are described in detail, and on an ongoing basis, on the respective documentation portal pages:
AppDynamics (CSaaS) Release Notes
AppDynamics Cloud Release Notes
AppDynamics Accounts Portal Release Notes

AppDynamics Cloud Highlights

NOTE | See the complete AppDynamics Cloud Release Notes in our documentation portal.

Actions API (Beta)

More predefined health rules for Kubernetes entities reduce your time to value and improve MTTI.

Detect and prevent issues by proactively monitoring resource usage, whether enough pods are running, and error count.
(GA v22.10, Released October 3, 2022)

Efficiency and risk profiler for K8s workloads

Analyze K8s workloads to identify possible reliability risks or optimization opportunities. (GA v22.10, Released October 3, 2022)

Bulk user creation

See these enhancement details in the Accounts section below.

Filter and search in the Logs Detail Page

Now you can use query language for quick and easy log filtering and search. Reapply recent queries, or use the histogram to zoom in. (GA v22.10, Released October 3, 2022)

Subparser support for legacy YAML format of values file

The log collector can not re-parse extracted top-level Grok fields. (GA 22.10, Released October 3, 2022)

UI changes in October

  • Containers and Ingresses pages have an updated filter view
  • Both Services and Service Instances pages now include logs histogram
  • Kubernetes annotations will now be reported as attributes in the properties panel

(GA 22.10, Released October 3, 2022)

Agent Update Highlights

NOTE | See the full 22.10 Release Notes for a complete, ongoing, and sortable list of Agent enhancements

Analytics Agent

As of v22.10, the Analytics Agent is Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliant. See Configure the analytics agent for FIPS compliance and Encrypt Agent Credentials.

The nuprocess.jar library has been upgraded to v2.0.5.
(GA v22.8 Released October 26, 2022)

Java Agent

This release includes support for HTTP Client and Oracle Service Bus (OSB) which enhances support for OpenTelemetry. See Java Agent OpenTelemetry Framework Support. (GA v22.10 Released October 28, 2022)

Machine Agent

This release includes support for SCS 1.3.23 as well as custom keystore formats. See Encrypt Agent Credentials. (GA v22.10 Released October 28, 2022)

SaaS Controller Enhancement Highlights

Custom Event

Create custom events and are now have the capability to receive the details, such as the event type, property names and value in an email digest, greatly increasing automated awareness. Please read more about creating Create a Custom Event and how you can tailor Email Digests. (GA v22.10 Released October 24, 2022)

Dash Studio: iframe support

Now, you can create a Synthetic API monitoring job through a simple, user-friendly UI. No development skills are needed. Debugging and fixing are also much easier.
(GA v22.9 Released September 12, 2022

Mutual TLS authentication

You can now leverage mutual TLS in order to secure traffic between AppDynamics and a 3rd party endpoint, eliminating malicious attacks. Read more about how to Configure and Enable Mutual TLS Authentication. (GA v22.10 Released October 24, 2022)

Account Management Enhancement Highlights

Bulk user creation

Account Administrators can now create new users in bulk, for a smoother and more efficient administrative experience.

At the same time, Administrators have the option to assign rights for all the users in a given bulk list. These newly created users will each receive an activate email. Once their account is activated, each will have the rights conferred during bulk creation. (GA v22.10 Released October 28, 2022)

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What else should you know?

Critical vulnerability CVE-2022-42889

On October 13, Apache disclosed a critical vulnerability (CVE-2022-42889) in the Apache Commons Text library affecting versions of commons-text. As our SaaS controllers are always maintained and improved, this vulnerability may only concern customers using on-prem. Please see our advisory for more details.

As of October 19, Ruby Agents are deprecated, and it’s advised to switch to OpenTelemetry Ruby. See Instrument Ruby Application Using OpenTelemetry for more details.

Be sure to visit the Product Announcements and Alerts Home page for the most current information regarding security and support advisories and end-of-support and end-of-life notices.

Updates to the University Group here in Community

In October, AppDynamics University launched a blog within their group (located under Groups in the top navigation here). Called University Updates, go there to follow the news about new course offerings, series like the Instructor Spotlight, and more. See details about this launch and learn what content has moved in this post.

How does this affect my subscription to University content?

Of note to long-time readers and subscribers of these posts, the previously published University product posts and Instructor Spotlight Interview series are now located in University Updates.

If you were previously subscribed to receive notifications of these topics, you will want to head over to University Updates to re-subscribe:

In University Updates, click the label you want from the right rail, then click “Subscribe” from the banner. Or you can Navigate to the individual content, click the 3-dot option menu, and select “Subscribe”.

More University News

Read the October University Updates roundup post here.

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Resolved issues

Now, you can sort the complete SaaS Release Notes in AppDynamics documentation by any heading, including product, severity, version information, and release date. They are updated on an ongoing basis.

The following key issue was resolved this month.

LIC-3056 Switching between milestones on the Milestones detail page caused a loss of data. (Affected v22.8)

NOTE | See the complete listing of Resolved Issues here.


ADVISORY | Please check backward compatibility in the Agent and Controller Compatibility documentation as part of your upgrade planning process

Download Essential Components (Agents, Enterprise Console, Controller (on-prem), Events Service, EUM Components)

Download Additional Components (SDKs, Plugins, etc.)

How do I get started upgrading my AppDynamics components for any release?

Product Announcements, Alerts, and Hot Fixes

Open Source Extensions

License Entitlements and Restrictions

OpenTelemetry™ and Kubernetes® (as applicable) are trademarks of The Linux Foundation®.

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Version history
Last update:
‎11-21-2022 02:01 PM
Updated by:
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