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AppDynamics Events Service is the on-premise data storage facility for unstructured data generated by Application Analytics, Database Visibility, and End User Monitoring (EUM) deployments.


To configure EUM to push raw data to Events Service, edit the file to reflect the following properties:




Note: EUM will push EUM data to Events Service with or without an explicit analytics license.



How to query EUM data with an analytics license 

To query the EUM data from Events Service using the analytics API, follow the directions in our analytics API documentation (version 4.3).



How to query EUM data with no explicit analytics license 

When there is no explicit analytics license, you will need to change the authentication method outlined in the analytics API documentation.


For this authentication, use the EUM account name and EUM license key which can be found on the license page by clicking on the gear menu in the upper-right corner of the controller UI, and then clicking on License.


Screen Shot 2017-04-17 at 4.23.45 PM.png



Authenticate with curl

One option is to use the following curl syntax for authentication:


curl --user "<eum_account_name>:<eum_license_key>".....


Authenticate with base64 encoding

Another option is to use the following base64 encoding syntax for authentication:


base64auth=`echo "$base64accountname:$base64licensekey" | base64 -b 0` 

echo $base64auth

curl -H"Authorization: Basic $base64auth"....


Types of queries 

After choosing the method of authentication, you can make queries to Events Service for the following types of data:


Event Type

Events Service Table Name

Browser Records browser_records
Mobile Records mobile_snapshots
Mobile Crash Reports mobile_crash_reports
Browser Sessions web_session_records
Mobile Sessions mobile_session_records


API example

With the chosen authentication method and chosen Events Service endpoint, use the following API script to make your query:


curl --user "<EUM_Account_Name>:<EuM_License_Key>" -H"Content-type: application/;v=2" http://<events_service_endpoint>:9080/events/query -d '
select * from browser_records


curl -H"Authorization: Basic $base64auth" -H"Content-type: application/;v=2" http://<events_service_endpoint>:9080/events/query -d '
select * from browser_records



In some on-premise deployments, the EUM account license key may have changed in a license renewal which can cause authorization to fail. If the on-premise Events Service node(s) have  configured in the file then the following cURL command can be used to find the correct EUM license key value. Please update the $ES_NODE variable to use the IP address or hostname of an/the Events Service node.



$ ES_NODE=""
$ curl -s "http:/${ES_NODE}:9200/appdynamics_accounts_v2/_search" | sed $'s/,/\\\n/g'| grep "eumAccountName" -B 3 | head -2



Additional parameters

For additional information, such as start and end parameters, follow the analytics API documentation.



Version history
Last update:
‎07-11-2018 01:29 PM
Updated by:
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