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AppDynamics Team

The analytics metrics show a failed status (or shows a "last run failed" message) in the Controller UI.


Screen Shot 2017-07-19 at 9.16.57 PM.png



To troubleshoot this issue, log into the Controller database and run the following query.


1. Navigate to the Controller/bin directory.
2. Execute ./ login-db.
3. Run the following query to determine the reason for the failure.
select *, FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(schedule_time/1000)) as scheduled_time_readable from analytics_query_execution_detail WHERE status="FAILED" \G;

Output example: 


mysql> select *, FROM_UNIXTIME(floor(schedule_time/1000)) as scheduled_time_readable from analytics_query_execution_detail WHERE status="FAILED" \G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
     scheduled_query_id: 17
                 bucket: 0
           account_name: <Your Account Name>
             query_name:  <Your Query Name>
          schedule_time: 1496303580917
      actual_start_time: 1496303643991
        actual_end_time: 1496303645772
                  error: Status code: [401], Message: The supplied auth information is incorrect or not authorized.RestException(statusCode=401, code=Auth.Unauthorized, errorMessage=The supplied auth information is incorrect or not authorized., developerMessage=)
                status: FAILED 

*************************** 2. row ***************************
     scheduled_query_id: 17
                 bucket: 0
           account_name: <Your Account Name>
             query_name:  <Your Query Name>
          schedule_time: 1496303580917
      actual_start_time: 1496303643991
        actual_end_time: 1496303645772
                  error:     com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character (':' (code 58)): was expecting double-quote to start field 
                 status: FAILED



Version history
Last update:
‎09-14-2018 01:38 PM
Updated by:
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