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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

What method can I use to programmatically call AppDynamics’ Metrics and Snapshots API from Microsoft Power BI to retrieve time series/metrics data, and then display that data using MS Power BI?
Part 1 of 2



AppDynamics Metrics and Snapshots API  can be easily called programmatically.

If you want to get Time Series/Metrics data from Microsoft Power BI, first consider whether you want to retrieve it directly via API, or indirectly through a batch process such as Entity Metrics Report in Power BI

NOTE: Power BI is only available for Windows.
This article focuses on how to retrieve Time Series/Metrics data directly via API.

To learn how to take the next steps of visualizing and publishing this data in Power BI, see How do I display and publish metrics data with Microsoft Power BI? Part 2.


In this article...

Get REST API URL for Metrics

Transform the data into PowerBI Format

Next Steps 





Get REST API URL for Metrics

How do I build my credentials and query?

  1. Create Credentials:
    You can create an internal AppDynamics account for basic authentication, or Create a Client API token as described in API Clients

  2. Install the Power BI Desktop client, either from this site or from the Microsoft Store.

  3. Get REST URL for Metric Extraction:
    In AppDynamics, open Metric Browser and find the metric you want.

    For example, here we are retrieving "Overall Application Performance|Calls per Minute" metric for an Application.
    Metric Browser - E-Commerce: retrieving "Overall Application Performance|Calls per Minute" metric for an ApplicationMetric Browser - E-Commerce: retrieving "Overall Application Performance|Calls per Minute" metric for an Application
    As above, right-click on metrics and click copy the URL to REST API invocation.

    The resulting URL will look something like this:​


  1. Modify the URL by appending "output=json" and "rollup=false" parameters like this:

    The components in the Query String are as follows:

    "metric-path=Overall Application Performance|Calls per Minute"

    specifies metric path


    specifies that the measuring is going from NOW back some time range. Other values can be "BETWEEN_TIMES"


    specifies how many minutes to go back from BEFORE_NOW


    specifies that the API should return data formatted as JSON object


    specifies that all metric values should be returned


Test Your Query and Credentials

Use your favorite tool—such as cURL, Wget, PowerShell, or Postman—to test the query. Below, it’s being tested in Postman and clearly returns some nice data:

Query results in PostmanQuery results in Postman


Transform the data into PowerBI Format


Set up the Power BI Data Source

  1. Open Power BI

  2. Create a new PBIX file

  3. Click Get Data

  4. Select Other\Web

  5. Click Connect

In Power BI > Get Data > Other > Web: ConnectIn Power BI > Get Data > Other > Web: Connect

  1. Select the Basic option on the From Web dialog

  2. Paste the REST URL previously tested

  3. Click OK
    Paste the REST URL into the Basic option on the From Web dialogPaste the REST URL into the Basic option on the From Web dialog

  4. If you’ve never authenticated to this data source before, you’ll be prompted for credentials, as follows:
    Access Web Content data source authentication settingsAccess Web Content data source authentication settings

    1. If using AppDynamics internal username/password, switch to the Basic tab.
    2. Specify "username@account" in the "User Name" textbox
    3. Specify your password in Password textbox
    4. If using Client API token, specify "BEARER" in the username, and value of the token in Password
    5. Click Connect

      Your credentials will be saved in both this workbook and in the global credential cache for your OS. 

Congratulations! You have data from AppDynamics as a JSON document. You can't do much with it yet, though. Next, you must massage it into something you can graph.


Data in unprocessed form in the Power Query editor in PowerBIData in unprocessed form in the Power Query editor in PowerBI


Add parameters to the query

  1. Rename Query1 to GetMetricData in the list of Queries on the left

  2. Click the Home\Parameters\Manage Parameters button on the ribbon

  3. Create 3 new Parameters by clicking the New button at the top of the parameter list, then entering the following settings:






    [Name or ID of your Application]



    Overall Application Performance|Calls per Minute




    Manage Parameters dialog: Application NameManage Parameters dialog: Application Name

    Manage Parameters dialog: MetricPathManage Parameters dialog: MetricPath

    Manage Parameters dialog: Number of MinutesManage Parameters dialog: Number of Minutes

You’ll be able to modify these parameters later.


Modify Data Source to Use Parameters

  1. Click the Home\Data Sources\Data source settings button on the ribbon

  2. Select your data source and click the Change Source button

  3. Click the Advanced radio button
    Data Source Dialog > Advanced Settings > Constructing REST URL from parametersData Source Dialog > Advanced Settings > Constructing REST URL from parameters

  4. Using the buttons to the left of the URL Part, create the following flow:

    Part Type
















    The screen should look like this:
    Parameters intermingled with text literals produce the REST API URLs that can accept parametersParameters intermingled with text literals produce the REST API URLs that can accept parameters

    The URL Preview text box shows the result of your configuration and it should look like this:{ApplicationNameOrID}/metric-data?metric-path={MetricPath}&time-range-type=BEFORE_NOW&duration-in-mins={NumberOfMinutes}&output=json&rollup=false


  5. Click OK

  6. Click Close

  7. Click the Home\Query\Refresh Preview button on the ribbon


Convert JSON to Tabular Data using Transformations

  1. Click on GetMetricData query in the Queries list

  2. Select the first record in the list

  3. Click Transform\Convert\To Table button on the ribbon

  4. Confirm default transformation settings in To Table dialog

  5. Click OK
    Convert JSON List to TableConvert JSON List to Table

  6. Select Column1 column in the query results window

  7. Click Transform\Structured Column\Expand on the ribbon

  8. Remove any text from the Default column name prefix text box

  9. Click OK
    Expand Table to ColumnsExpand Table to Columns

  10. Select the metricValues column in the query results window

  11. Click Transform\Structured Column\Expand in the ribbon
    Expand Table to Columns againExpand Table to Columns again

  12. Select the metricValues column in the query results window again

  13. Click Transform\Structured Column\Expand in the ribbon

  14. Remove any text from the Default column name prefix text box

  15. Click OK


Convert some columns to different data types

  1. Select startTimeInMillis column in query results window

  2. Click Add Column\General\Custom Column button on the ribbon

  3. Specify EventTime in New column name text box

  4. Enter following formula in the Custom column formula text box:
    =#datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) + #duration(0, 0, 0, [startTimeInMillis]/1000)

  5.  Click OK
    Create DataTime column out of Unix timestampCreate DataTime column out of Unix timestamp

  6. Select EventTime column in the query results window

  7. Click Transform\Any Column\Data Type drop-down and select Date/Time
    Explicitly define DateTime column typeExplicitly define DateTime column type

  8. Select value column in the query results window

  9. Click Transform\Any Column\Data Type drop-down and select Whole Number
    Change data type of the value column to numberChange data type of the value column to number


Repeat these steps for all other columns you have a need for, like "sum", "count", "min", "max" and "standardDeviation".


Resulting Dataset

You are done! The resulting dataset is a thing of beauty.

The resulting dataset is a thing of beautyThe resulting dataset is a thing of beauty


Final GetMetricData query in Power Query M

Your final query for GetMetricData in Power Query M language should look like this:


    Source = Json.Document(Web.Contents("" & ApplicationNameOrID & "/metric-data?metric-path=" & MetricPath & "&time-range-type=BEFORE_NOW&duration-in-mins=" & NumberOfMinutes & "&output=json&rollup=false")),

    #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(Source, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),

    #"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"metricId", "metricName", "metricPath", "frequency", "metricValues"}, {"metricId", "metricName", "metricPath", "frequency", "metricValues"}),

    #"Expanded metricValues" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Expanded Column1", "metricValues"),

    #"Expanded metricValues1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Expanded metricValues", "metricValues", {"startTimeInMillis", "occurrences", "current", "min", "max", "useRange", "count", "sum", "value", "standardDeviation"}, {"startTimeInMillis", "occurrences", "current", "min", "max", "useRange", "count", "sum", "value", "standardDeviation"}),

    #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Expanded metricValues1", "EventTime", each #datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) + #duration(0, 0, 0, [startTimeInMillis]/1000)),

    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Added Custom",{{"EventTime", type datetime}, {"value", Int64.Type}})


    #"Changed Type"


  1. Click Home\Close\Close & Apply on the ribbon to save all the changes and apply the query

  2. Save the resulting PBIX file somewhere on your machine


Next Steps

To visualize and publish your data using Microsoft Power BI, you will need the PBIX file you saved in Step 11, above.

Go to How do I display and publish metrics data with Microsoft Power BI? - Part 2 for the step-by-step instructions.


To learn how to take the next steps of visualizing and publishing this data in Power BI, see How do I display and publish metrics data with Microsoft Power BI? Part 2.

AppDynamics Team



Is there a way to pull all metrics?

The reason is that I need to be able filter all metrics with "No data to display" for all the applications we have.





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Last update:
‎05-06-2024 03:28 PM
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