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We might see communication issue between the Controller and EUM Server due to the time skew service not functioning properly or the time between both the machines are out of sync.


The log will show something like below:


EUM Processor log:

GET /v2/account/xyz/application/EUM-AAB-AUD/events?eventType=download-browser-events&timestamp=1470739080000 dropwizard.LoggingExcepti ERROR 

| Error handling a request: 3774625f322cafcx 

| INVALID STATE :: Controller is requesting data for a time window [1470739080000] that is ahead of Aggregator time [1470733740000], can occur if time-skew-service is not functioning. App Key [EUM-AAB-AUD]



Controller's server.log:

|INFO|glassfish3.1.2||_ThreadID=251;_ThreadName=Thread-5;|Posted EUM Internal Error Event [Agent Event Type[EUM_INTERNAL_ERROR] 

Occurred at Time[1470739182579] 

Summary[EUM Internal Errors] 


Event Details[{| Communication failure with service ( Unexpected HTTP error 500: {"message":"There was an error processing your request. It has been logged (ID 1f9169315dcxbv)."}::Error downloading metric data for application 15



Check the EUM-Processor & Server.log  for the messages like below.


Controller is requesting data for a time window [1470739080000] that is ahead of Aggregator time [1470733740000], can occur if time-skew-service is not functioning




1. Make sure that the time between both the machines are in sync with each other.

2. If not, you can run the ntpdate command to update the time on Linux OS.




Version history
Last update:
‎09-14-2018 11:13 AM
Updated by:
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