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How do we increase the heap size or the -Xms/-Xmx value in EUM Server or End User Monitoring.



The answer to this depends on the OS in which EUM is running.


1. If EUM is installed on an Unix OS, you need to update the script called eum-processor, which is typically located under the <EUM_HOME>/eum-processor/bin/ directory. Please find below a screenshot which shows the content of the script and where you have to modify/update the -Xms & -Xms value.


Once you are done with the changes, restart the eum-server in order for the new values to be reflected and verify the same using the ps -ef | grep java or ps -ef | grep -i eum command output.


Screen Shot 2016-12-31 at 10.03.04 am.png



 2. If the EUM is running on a Windows OS, then you can just add the heap size to the file called eum-processor-launcher.vmoptions, which is too located under the bin folder: <EUM_HOME>\eum-processor\bin\


Then, you need to restart our EUM service under the Window service for the changes to take place.


Screen Shot 2016-12-31 at 10.14.49 am.png




Version history
Last update:
‎11-30-2018 01:56 PM
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