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AppDynamics Team

The Events Service cluster may not function correctly and its health state will be listed as red if there are unwanted indices either in the unassigned or initializing state.



In a browser or terminal, run the following:

curl http://localhost:9081/healthcheck?pretty=true


The output of the healthcheck command will show cluster state [RED].

"events-service-api-store / elasticsearch-singlenode-module" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Current [appdynamics-events-service-cluster] cluster state: [RED], data nodes: [1], nodes: [1], active shards: [48], relocating shards: [0], initializing shards: [0], unassigned shards: [5], timed out: [false]"


These unwanted indices are created as a result of the Nessus Vulnerability Scanner that gets run on the cluster port (default 9200).



Run the following command on the Events Service machine or in a browser to verify if there are unwanted indices.


http://<events_service_machine>:9200/_cat/shards?v   [in Browser]
curl http://<events_service_machine>:9200/_cat/shards?v [in the terminal of the Events Service machine]


Output example:


index                                                                                             shard prirep state        docs   store ip           node     
vrvsgs1.html                                                                                      4     p      STARTED         0    114b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
vrvsgs1.html                                                                                      4     r      UNASSIGNED          0    168b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
vrvsgs1.html                                                                                      0     r      UNASSIGNED         0     791b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
vrvsgs1.html                                                                                      0     p      STARTED         0    125b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
vrvsgs1.html                                                                                      3     r      STARTED         0    105b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
gvanws1.html                                                                                      4     p      STARTED         0    125b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
gvanws1.html                                                                                      4     r      STARTED         0    128b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
gvanws1.html                                                                                      0     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
gvanws1.html                                                                                      0     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
gvanws1.html                                                                                      3     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
oapssw1.html                                                                                      4     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
oapssw1.html                                                                                      0     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
oapssw1.html                                                                                      0     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
nrawos1.html                                                                                      2     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
nrawos1.html                                                                                      2     r      STARTED         0    108b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
nrawos1.html                                                                                      0     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
nrawos1.html                                                                                      0     r      STARTED         0    108b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
spipe                                                                                                   4     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
spipe                                                                                                   4     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
spipe                                                                                                  0     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
spipe                                                                                                   0     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
psaoon1.html                                                                                      2     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
psaoon1.html                                                                                      2     r      STARTED         0    108b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
psaoon1.html                                                                                      0     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
psaoon1.html                                                                                      0     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
arenon1.html                                                                                      4     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
arenon1.html                                                                                      0     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
arenon1.html                                                                                      0     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
arenon1.html                                                                                      3     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
sprreo1.html                                                                                      1     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
sprreo1.html                                                                                      2     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
sprreo1.html                                                                                      2     p      UNASSIGNED          0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
vepper1.html                                                                                      4     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
vepper1.html                                                                                      4     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
vepper1.html                                                                                      0     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
perl                                                                                                     1     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
perl                                                                                                     2     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
perl                                                                                                      2     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
gaowsa1.html                                                                                      4     p      UNASSIGNED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
greprs1.html                                                                                        4     r        STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
greprs1.html                                                                                      4     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
enoson1.html                                                                                       4     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
enoson1.html                                                                                      4     r      STARTED         0    108b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
enoson1.html                                                                                      0     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
vpnwwg1.html                                                                                      2     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
vpnwwg1.html                                                                                      2     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
arenon1.html                                                                                      4     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
arenon1.html                                                                                      4     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
soaeap1.html                                                                                      3     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
soaeap1.html                                                                                      1     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
pwvwgg1.html                                                                                      1     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
pwvwgg1.html                                                                                      2     p      STARTED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
pwvwgg1.html                                                                                      2     r      STARTED         0    144b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
enawae1.html                                                                                      4     r      STARTED         0    108b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
enawae1.html                                                                                      4     p      UNASSIGNED          0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
sawmill6cl.exe                                                                                    4     p      UNASSIGNED         0    115b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
sawmill6cl.exe                                                                                    4     r      STARTED         0    108b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz 
rogwsw1.html											  4     r      STARTED         0    108b 192.x.y.z node-xyzxyzxyz



Delete these unwanted indices using the following commands:


  1. Delete all unwanted indices using the following curl command in the machine terminal:
    • curl -XDELETE http://<events-service_hostname>:9200/<index_name>
    • Example: curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/rogwsw1.html
  2. Verify if unwanted indices have been removed using the following commands:
    • curl http://<events_service_machine>:9200/_cat/shards?v
    • curl http://<events_service_machine>:9200/_cat/indices?v
  3. Work with a network or security team to configure the Nessus Vulnerability Scanner toexclude scanning the Events Service cluster port (9200-9300).


Version history
Last update:
‎09-07-2018 11:34 AM
Updated by:
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