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The AppDynamics Community is Migrating this Friday, February 28th.

At 6pm PST, the AppDynamics Community will go into read-only mode and after migration is complete, you will be redirected to
Read more here

Not applicable

If you continue to experience issues with AppDynamics for SAP after following the steps in our AppDynamics for SAP troubleshooting article, our Support team may need to access your SAP system. For this purpose, SAP provides an “SAP Service Backbone” infrastructure. This is the way our Support team can help debug issues with your SAP Basis team. In this case, the frontend is the SAPGUI client.


In these instances, please create a ticket (“OSS incident” in SAP terminology) following these steps:


  1. Go to 
    OSS Case 1.png

  2. Log on using the S-user account (#1 in the screenshot above), which is maintained by your SAP Basis team.

  3. Click the “Report an Incident” link (#2 in the screenshot above).

  4. Search for an answer to the issue before creating a case by typing into the “Enter search term” field.
    OSS Case 4.png

  5. Click the button to “Submit an Incident.”image001.jpg

  6. On the next screen, identify the system where the problem occurred. You can choose from recently used systems or search available systems (#1 in the screenshot below).Search available systems.png

  7. Once the system is selected, you will see its status:
    • Access data available/missing (i.e. username, password, and validity)
    • Connection opened/closed

   Clicking the links allows you to maintain these properties.

  1. Provide incident details. Note: Do not change the priority to a level higher than Medium.
    Incident Details.png

  2. Important – Select the proper component (#1 in the screenshot below), which means XX-PART-DVD. It ensures that the OSS incident is dispatched to the Datavard incident queue.Select a component.png

  3. Finally, click the “Submit” button (#2 in the screenshot above) and the OSS incident will be sent to us. If everything is set up correctly, we will be able to start assisting with the analysis in 15-20 minutes.
Version history
Last update:
‎09-24-2020 07:50 PM
Updated by:
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