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After configuring analytics on the Machine Agent (monitor.xml and file) for the first time, you see following warning message in logs as you activate the functionality from UI and no metrics are visible through analytics searches.


[2016-11-17T12:56:42,195+01:00] [WARN ] [pipeline-thread-11 (bt-publish-3)] 
[c.a.a.a.p.e.EventServicePublishStage] This message was throttled [47] times:
Transient error encountered due to the following cause: [Message could not be
delivered because the REST resource rejected it]
Event type [biz_txn_v1] for account [customer1_0fcad495-5e0b-44d7-88eb-
48a7de7025b4] expired on [2016-09-30T23:59:00.000Z]



  1. Since this is a new setup run analytics healthchecks to verify that the Analytics Server and agent are up and running: 




  1. Check the license file to verify units and expiry is correct as is showing in the License screen on UI.


  1. Next, check the Controller db and verify license details are correctly stored in there. Following query should help fetch the details: 


mysql> select * from license_module_property where license_module_type='transaction-analytics'; 
| account_id | license_module_type | property_name | property_value | 
| 2 | transaction-analytics | data-retention-period | 90 | 
| 2 | transaction-analytics | edition | PRO | 
| 2 | transaction-analytics | expiry-date | 1506927600000 | 
| 2 | transaction-analytics | licensing-model | FIXED | 
| 2 | transaction-analytics | maximum-allowed-licenses | 10 | 
| 2 | transaction-analytics | number-of-provisioned-licenses | 10 | 
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)



Note: {mysql> select * from license_module_property where license_module_type='transaction-analytics*'; } In this query, you can use transaction/log/browser analytics based on whatever needs to be checked for your case, rest of the query will remain intact. 


  1. Check and confirm that the Event Service end point, access key and global account name are correct in the property file. Verify the same via the admin UI and the Event Service properties file.


  1. If you try to start Analytics Agent manually using command, still you see this warning message.



Because this happens when Controller's new license hasn't synced with the ES, it kept the old license expiring date even after updating it;


To resolve this issue, you would have to blow empty the ES cluster and Re-install the event service. Better redownload it too then re install (preferably using Platform Administration if applicable).

Version history
Last update:
‎01-28-2020 02:39 PM
Updated by:
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