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How to Handle Multiple Application Platforms on a Single Server - Multiple Agents Needed?


How would you handle a case where you have multiple types of applications on a single server?  Let's say for example you had a box, with both a Python and a Java application running. 


Would you install 2 separate agents on a single box?  Or the more 'unusual' scenario, what if you have a .NET application, and say a Java Application, or Apache Tomcat?   

Would this require 2 separate agents? 


My gut says yes as each agent instruments differently for the different types of applications, but I wanted to get other's experiences with this potential scenario.


^Edited by @Ryan.Paredez for formatting



Your gut is correct, for each application type you will need agent that supports that application type.

@gurmit.arora wrote:

Your gut is correct, for each application type you will need agent that supports that application type.

Would there be any conflicts with having multiple agents running?   Or should they be independent, and therefore conflicts should not be present?