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Need help with Dexter

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Trying to use Dexter to fetch data and having an authorization error.  Below is the target section of the job.json file I am using...  Not sure what format to use for the username.. The sample I found suggests username@customer, so I tried[Redacted] (my username and customer name), but that doesn't work, so I tried several other possible ways and the logs still show authorization error.


            "Controller": "https://[Redacted] ",
            "UserName": "[Redacted]",
            "UserPassword": "",
            "Application": ".*",
            "NameRegex": false


^ Post edited by @Ryan.Paredez to redact Controller name and usernames. Please do not share Controller URLs and Usernames on community posts for security and privacy reasons.


Not applicable

What did you add exactly ? 

The below (with non-relevant stuff removed for clarity) :


        <defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
            <proxy proxyaddress="http://<myproxyhost>:3128" />

Not applicable

Thank you. Its working ! 


Also, do you have any idea on how to get JVM Heap Used % in the metric related data reports. Currently I am getting only JVM Heap Used (in mb). Thanks