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Community access restored to most members

I've been able to make some changes to restore community engagement access to most members.

Follow the blog post for up to date information

We thank you for your patience while we get this fixed

How to resolve Analytics Agent failing to connect to the Controller registration endpoint

I am running my application on python with uWSGI with Emperor: wsgi-file Directive, but the connection to controller in not happening ? Anyone have any insite on it.


This is my uWSGI file :

http-socket = :9090
wsgi-file = /app/test_service/
env = APPD_CONFIG_FILE='/etc/appdynamics.cfg'
env = APPD_WSGI_SCRIPT_ALIAS='/app/test_service/'


and the I am starting up the uWSGI server by "uwsgi --ini test.ini"

And the appdynamics.cfg file is as below

app = perf962
tier = perfTest962
node = node 369d

host =
port = 443
ssl = (on)
account = my-test
accesskey = 1vb1231b12lo

level = debug
debugging = on

I am starting the pyagent by "pyagent proxy start


AppDynamics Team

Hi Jmallick,


Please try starting your proxy with 'appdynamic.cfg' file and apply some load for 2-3 mins.


"pyagent proxy start -c /etc/appdynamics.cfg -d"




Let us know if this did not solve the issue.



Arun G

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I tried but still there is no luck , I am generating the load from Jmeter

is there anything to worry about the following highlighted message 

root@ubuntu:/home/jmallick# pyagent proxy start -c /etc/appdynamics.cfg -d
2018-06-13 04:03:23,814 [WARNING] appdynamics.proxy.watchdog <27845>: Defunct proxy pid (27377) found; starting over
2018-06-13 04:03:23,816 [INFO] appdynamics.proxy.watchdog <27845>: Started watchdog with pid=27845
2018-06-13 04:03:23,817 [WARNING] appdynamics.proxy.watchdog <27845>: Found defunct proxy pid file with pid=27378
2018-06-13 04:03:23,817 [INFO] appdynamics.proxy.watchdog <27845>: Starting proxy: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/appdynamics_bindeps/proxy/runProxy -j /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/appdynamics_proxysupport -d /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/appdynamics_bindeps/proxy -r /tmp/appd/run /tmp/appd/run/comm /tmp/appd/logs
root@ubuntu:/home/jmallick# Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=120m; support was removed in 8.0
Install Directory resolved to[/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/appdynamics_bindeps/proxy]
Agent Logging Directory [/tmp/appd/logs]
Logs Directory resolved to[/tmp/appd/logs]
04:03:24,134 INFO [main] ProxyControlEntryPoint - ProxyControl - init
04:03:24,134 INFO [main] ProxyControlEntryPoint - comm dir set to: /tmp/appd/run/comm
04:03:24,140 INFO [main] ZeroMQControlServer - ipcNodeBaseDir dir set to: /tmp/appd/run/comm/proxy-6671126471242587101
04:03:24,140 INFO [main] ZeroMQControlServer - ZeroMQControlServer - init
04:03:24,152 INFO [main] ZeroMQControlServer - ControlReqRouterSocket started at:ipc:///tmp/appd/run/comm/0
04:03:24,233 INFO [main] ProxyControlEntryPoint - ProxyControl - init completed
04:03:24,233 INFO [main] ProxyControlEntryPoint - Should register node at startup:false
2018-06-13 04:03:24,319 [INFO] appdynamics.proxy.watchdog <27845>: Started proxy with pid=27846

Hi Jmallick,


The highlighted one shouldn't be a problem, Looks like proxy is starting fine.


I would be needing the zip of log files. Sharing the way to send it accross in a private message.



Arun G

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I am unable to send with you the log files.