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Creating an Agent for Drupal 7

Not applicable


I have the controller installed and running.

I can create a database agent, install it on my Drupal server and see some database data.


How do I create an agent that can monitor my Drupal Application?




AppDynamics Team



If you are running PHP on the server, you can install the PHP agent and monitor it. Please go through the documentation link at for more information on the agent installation.


Best Regards,


Not applicable
Went through the Docs.
Used this to install

sudo ./ -a=xxx@yyy -e /usr/lib/php5/20121212 -i /etc/php5/cli/conf.d 8090 Drupal7 phpTier myNode
Output seemed successful... but can't see it in the Controller.

Writing '/home/developer/php-agent-2/appdynamics-php-agent/appdynamics-php-agent/php/conf/appdynamics_agent_log4cxx.xml'
Writing '/etc/php5/cli/conf.d/appdynamics_agent.ini'
Writing '/home/developer/php-agent-2/appdynamics-php-agent/appdynamics-php-agent/proxy/conf/controller-info.xml'
rm -f "/usr/lib/php5/20121212/"
ln -s "/home/developer/php-agent-2/appdynamics-php-agent/appdynamics-php-agent/php/modules/" "/usr/lib/php5/20121212/"
Writing '/home/developer/php-agent-2/appdynamics-php-agent/appdynamics-php-agent/proxy/runProxy'
Do I need to create matching agent place holders in the Controller or should it auto find?

Not applicable

Matching Application and Tier.


Agent Connected Waiting for data... and waiting and waiting. :-)

Have used a websirte copier to generate traffic.

See image.

Not applicable

Attached php -i output.


installed the agent with the following syntax:

./ -a=12345-ss-abcdef-12gg23w33ewe@sdfsdf-sdfsdf-sdfsdf-sfs-fsfdsfsd -e /usr/lib/php5/20121212 -i /etc/php5/apache2 8090 Drupal7 myTier myNode



^Post edited by @Ryan.Paredez to remove file attachment. 



Please try with follwoing command after replacing the proper placeholders for account name, access key, controller host and port.


./ -a=ACCOUNT_NAME@ACCESS_KEY -e /usr/lib/php5/20121212 -i /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d CONTROLLER_HOST CONTROLLER_PORT Drupal7 myTier myNode


Best Regards,




After the agent installation, please restart the Apache server and drive some load on the application. If the issue still persists, please provide us the output of phpinfo() from apache.


Best Regards,


Not applicable

Thanks Piyush,


Attached phpinfo.txt created with phpinfo.php in docroot.

Yesterday I was using

I uninstalled everything and tried with Can't even get a connection now. :-(


Here's the command and output, as root, to install the agent.


./ -a=ACCOUNT@KEY -e /usr/lib/php5/20121212 -i /etc/php5/apache2 ped19879 8090 Local_WxT Drupal localweb


Install script for AppDynamics PHP Agent
Found PHP installation in /usr/bin

  Detected PHP Version:
  PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.21 (cli) (built: Feb  9 2017 20:54:58)
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.0.3, Copyright (c) 1999-2014, by Zend Technologies

PHP version id:            5.5
PHP extensions directory:  /usr/lib/php5/20121212
PHP ini directory:         /etc/php5/apache2
Controller Host:           ped19879
Controller Port:           8090
Application Name:          Local_WxT
Tier Name:                 Drupal
Node Name:                 localweb
Account Name:              XXXXX
Access Key:                YYYYY
SSL Enabled:               false
HTTP Proxy Host:
HTTP Proxy Port:
HTTP Proxy User:
HTTP Proxy Password File:

Writing '/home/developer/appdynamics-php-agent/php/conf/appdynamics_agent_log4cxx.xml'
Writing '/etc/php5/apache2/appdynamics_agent.ini'
Writing '/home/developer/appdynamics-php-agent/proxy/conf/controller-info.xml'
rm -f "/usr/lib/php5/20121212/"
ln -s "/home/developer/appdynamics-php-agent/php/modules/" "/usr/lib/php5/20121212/"
Writing '/home/developer/appdynamics-php-agent/proxy/runProxy'




The latest phpinfo shows that the agent is installed and hooked in but it looks like one of the configuration parameter might be an issue. Could you please check specifically for accountName configuration parameter which seems to be wrong. You can verify these agent config details in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/appdynamics_agent.ini file. Could you also please check if there are any log files generated in /home/developer/appdynamics-php-agent/logs folder which might give some hint on the issue.


Best Regards,


Not applicable
I verified the


in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/appdynamics_agent.ini.
They are the same there and in the Controller Licence screen.
in the proxy log

Could not connect to the controller/invalid response from controller, cannot get initialization information, controller host [], port[8090], exception [null]

I am able to ping both the controller and hostname from the server to be monitored...

... in the agent log

2017-07-26 12:01:46.512 AST INFO localweb 2619 [config.ConfigChannel] sending config request with version -1
2017-07-26 12:01:46.513 AST INFO localweb 2619 [config.ZMQConfigTransport] received config response for request ID -8540543949318037878
2017-07-26 12:01:46.513 AST ERROR localweb 2619 [config.ConfigChannel] No agent identity in config response: currentVersion: 1501080031306
timestampSkew: 0
requestID: -8540543949318037878

2017-07-26 12:01:46.718 AST INFO localweb 2597 [config.ConfigChannel] sending config request with version -1
2017-07-26 12:01:46.719 AST INFO localweb 2597 [config.ZMQConfigTransport] received config response for request ID -4070690147874826516
2017-07-26 12:01:46.928 AST INFO localweb 2559 [config.ConfigChannel] sending config request with version -1
2017-07-26 12:01:46.928 AST INFO localweb 2559 [config.ZMQConfigTransport] received config response for request ID 178101423542293061
2017-07-26 12:01:47.447 AST INFO localweb 2558 [config.ConfigChannel] sending config request with version -1
2017-07-26 12:01:47.447 AST INFO localweb 2558 [config.ZMQConfigTransport] received config response for request ID 3772313462182901733

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