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Community access restored to most members

I've been able to make some changes to restore community engagement access to most members.

Follow the blog post for up to date information

We thank you for your patience while we get this fixed

How do I view a list of open Health Rule violations in a dashboard?


Hi Team,


I need to view the list of Open Health Rule violations. I can see that in the Applications tab, under the tab there is a link to Health rule violations and the window has a drop-down to list down the Open Violations. I need this specific data to be available on the Dashboard. I used all the Health rule widgets but they have options to view (Health Rule Started/Continue and End). However, I need the one which are open for given application. I need to generate this for more than 18 applications in my landscape in one Single Dashboard. Please help with the requirement.


Nawaz Ali.Mohammad
AppDynamics Team

Hello Dinesh,
Go to Dashboard & Reports > Edit the Existing Dashboard or Create a new one. Click on Add Widget Select Health Rules & Events Select Event List Select your Application as DataSource. Add the criteria based on your requirements and save it.