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Community access restored to most members

I've been able to make some changes to restore community engagement access to most members.

Follow the blog post for up to date information

We thank you for your patience while we get this fixed

Unable to connect to the controller


We connect to Appdynamics to SaaS controller on port 80, I was able to send application data to Appdynamics earlier and it was working fine. Now I see below error in logs,  please advise.


^ Post edited by @Ryan.Paredez for security reasons. Please do not share or attach log files to community posts.


AppDynamics Team

Hi Kiran,


Please let us know if there is any changes made on the controller side or the Agent side and then you started seeing this issue.

Could you please attach the provided the output of 

shell > curl -v https://<domain-name> or ping command output.





^Post edited by @Ryan.Paredez to remove mention of attaching logs to posts. Please do not share or attach logs to the community post

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Hi Yogesh,

It was working fine earlier, it stopped working recently. Attached is the log files folder.


Pinging [message redacted to protect privacy] with 32 bytes of data:

[message redacted to protect privacy]

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 213ms, Maximum = 215ms, Average = 214ms

I am able to telnet to [message redacted to protect privacy] on port 80.



[Information redacted for security reasons]





^ Post edited by @Ryan.Paredez to remove mention of attaching log files to community posts. Please do not attach or share log files to community posts.

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[Log file removed]


^ Post edited by @Ryan.Paredez for security reasons. Please do not share or attach log files to community posts.

Anybody know why the below error is coming? Is it the problem with the account? I am able to telnet the controller on port 80. The integration was working fine, now it stopped working.


Below is the error I am getting:


[Information redacted]


^Post edited by @Ryan.Paredez to remove log files. Please do not share or attach log files to community posts for security and privacy reasons. 

I'm currently having a similar issue

Hi, everybody!


Did you solve the issue?

I am facing the same error in one of ours servers:


2018-05-15 08:46:26.9604 5600 AppDynamics.Coordinator 1 11 Info CoordinatorService Stopped Machine Agent.
2018-05-15 08:46:28.3175 5600 AppDynamics.Coordinator 1 8 Info CoordinatorService Starting communicator...
2018-05-15 08:46:28.3335 5600 AppDynamics.Coordinator 1 7 Info CoordinatorCommunicator starting named pipe server
2018-05-15 08:46:28.3335 5600 AppDynamics.Coordinator 1 7 Info CoordinatorCommunicator named pipe = \\.\pipe\AppDynamicsAgentIPC
2018-05-15 08:51:26.0453 5600 AppDynamics.Coordinator 1 17 Info ControllerTimeSkewHandler Controller Time Skew Handler Run Aborted - Skew Check is Disabled

AppDynamics Team

Anybody? I currently also face this trouble of "Connection back off limitation in effect".

I am also facing the same: 

 org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: failed to respond