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Understanding Analytics Agent logs

Not applicable

Hi there,


I am trying to understand the pattern matching system in place for groking patterns and matching multi-lines.


I am running a Java app which uses log4j for logging, configured to use the console appender. The console output is being piped to syslog using logger.


Run command:

java -jar /home/target/app.jar 2>&1 | logger -t app &

Example of my logs in /var/log/messages:



1. Apr 10 11:49:02 e0c50fc64857 app: [INFO] com.example.service.App [main]: This is a info message {correlation-id: 76230e6a-8351-44d8-8dfb-94d039772c29}
2. Apr 10 11:49:02 e0c50fc64857 app: [ERROR] com.example.service.App [main]: This is a error message {correlation-id: 76230e6a-8351-44d8-8dfb-94d039772c29}
3. Apr 10 11:49:02 e0c50fc64857 app: [WARN] com.example.service.App [main]: This is a warn message {correlation-id: 76230e6a-8351-44d8-8dfb-94d039772c29}
4. Apr 10 11:49:03 e0c50fc64857 app: java.rmi.UnexpectedException: Uncaught Exception
5. Apr 10 11:49:03 e0c50fc64857 app: #011at com.example.service.App.throwUncaughtException(
6. Apr 10 11:49:03 e0c50fc64857 app: #011at com.example.service.App.main(
7. Apr 10 11:49:05 e0c50fc64857 app: Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.RuntimeException: I failed to execute something at runtime
8. Apr 10 11:49:05 e0c50fc64857 app: #011at com.example.service.App.lambda$main$0(
9. Apr 10 11:49:05 e0c50fc64857 app: #011at

Job file being used: I only expect to see lines 1 to 3 logged to AppD


version: 2
enabled: true

    type: file # I'm using file because syslog was not working for me
    path: /var/log
    nameGlob: messages
    startAtEnd: false

    sourceType: syslog
    applicationname: services
    applicationtier: logger

        - '%{SYSLOGBASE2:syslogbase} \[%{LOGLEVEL:logLevel}\] %{JAVACLASS:class} \[%{DATA:threadName}\]: %{DATA:logMessage} \{correlation-id: %{UUID:correlationId}\}'

Version information:

Question 1


When I use the aforementioned job file, I get all of the logged lines in AppD. I was expecting to only see the lines that match the grok pattern (lines 1 to 3). Is the default to log everything, even if it does not match? 


Question 2


If I add the following multi line config to grab the RuntimeException, then I get an entry with the items specifically relating to the exception (lines 7 to 9).


   regex: '^Apr 10 \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [a-zA-Z0-9]* app: Exception in thread .*$'

However, the remaining lines (1 to 6) come back as a single log entry in appd. Does that mean the job files don't support single & multi-line logs simultaneously?


Kind Regards





AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Log entries that does not match the grok pattern will still be sent to the events service in their raw format.

A log model having different log formats with different timestamps is not recommended at all.

If such a model exists, one way to solve this issue is to come up with a grok pattern to strip off the common stuff and use %


for the remaining stuff. Then you can use regex feature to extract those fields through our UI. Hence it is by design that all read and processed log messages by the analytics agent will be published to events service.


For second part, if you are configuring the multiline property it will take effect on the complete job. It is way for analytics agent to understand where your next line begins so that it can group the rows in the log properly. It wont imply this setting in a selective way. To configure it properly I would recommend looking up the below doucmenation:

Not applicable

Log entries that does not match the grok pattern will still be sent to the events service in their raw format.

- This is good to know and I am not sure it's clearly stated in the documentation you referred me to. The documentation in general is very sparse


A log model having different log formats with different timestamps is not recommended at all.

- But is very likely. I could be using a structured logger for all developer controlled actions, but the moment I have an unhandled exception, it will be in a different form. As per my example.


If such a model exists, one way to solve this issue is to come up with a grok pattern to strip off the common stuff

- In order to collect the exceptions, I need to use the multi-line property which then bundles all my other single line entries into a single blob (see following section)


Then you can use regex feature to extract those fields through our UI

- I can't see any functionality in the Analytics UI which allows me to do this.


Regarding the second part:


According to the documentation:

Whenever the Log tailer sees the matching pattern at the start of the line, it starts a new match and passes the previously collected data as one log record. Each matching pattern identifies when to start accumulating the log lines in a buffer until the matching pattern is found again at the beginning of another record.


That would suggest that I can collect Java stacktraces as a single entry and all other single line logs, between exceptions, as a single blob. I do not understand how that is useful.


All I am really looking for is the ability to have a single entry in the AppD Analytics logs for a single line entry and a single entry for an exception stacktrace.

Not applicable



I managed to create a grok pattern which passes the logs as expected at, however, when I use this same grok pattern in the appd job file it globs the entire list of log entries into a single entry on the AppD console.


I have logged a support request, which AppD are currently looking into.


The pattern for those interested, is:


    regex: '^[a-zA-Z]+ \d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} (\w)+ app: (#|E)'

The documentation was not that clear to me, so I'll try put it in different words. The multiline regex (from my experimentation) marks the start of line indicating that you are already in a multiline. Put differently, it's the start of the 2nd line of a multiline statement.


For example, if the multiline log entry is:


[INFO] This 

# is 

# a 

# multiline


Then the multiline regex should be ^# .* and not ^\[INFO\] .*\n#


Not applicable

Finally got it!!! Thanks to AppD for the regex



    regex: "^[A-z][a-z]{2} \\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2} [a-zA-Z0-9]* app: [^#].*$"

My understanding was incorrect, and specifically applies to grokconstructor and not the AppD groking. 

So to summarise why this works:  the way the appd multiline works is you define the start of each unique line, so in this case anything without a # is a line, so each line that doesn’t have a # will be a unique entry, and each line with a # will be tagged to the line without until it sees another line without a #. Which is very different to the way grokconstructor works.



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