Dear AshokThere is our AppDynamics configuration for the Siebel SBS:
create named subsystem "JAVAMX384qAppD" for subsystem "JVMSubSys" with DLL="D:\\APPL\\Siebel\\jdk\\jre\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll", CLASSPATH="D:\\APPL\\Siebel\\siebsrvr\\CLASSES\\Sieb...
Dear Ravi
You can use the Machine Agent (zip) "(Standalone machine agent (no JRE) to monitor your servers.)"
with a jre that are compiled for aix. For example install over smitty:
Dear Ahmad
We are currently in a POC for monitoring some Java Business Service in Siebel. It works with a configuration for Dynamic Environments:
important is also th...
Dear santhosha
I've deploy the SampleApp around three or four months ago. As i remind i've the same issue as you. I resolved the issue with the following steps:
1. comment out "downloadInstallers" on line 181 in rest/ (Becau...