AppDynamics Team (Retired)
since ‎10-05-2015

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Issue This issue is happening when the host's /tmp directory is noexec and the Events Service is not starting, throwing the following error: [2018-07-13T14:18:55,672+02:00]  [ERROR]  [main]  [c.a.common.framework.AbstractApp]  Severe error occurred ...
The Mobile app uses the same settings as the Controller. The timeouts mentioned below are the defaults: http.session.inactive.timeout: The amount of time without a client request to the Controller after which the user session times out and the user ...
We complete the actual data purge by deleting entire indices once all records have expired. For example, an index will rollover either when the average shard size breaches a threshold or when the age of the index exceeds the data retention period fo...
How do I resolve this error: "ERROR: access denied while starting events service"   Events Service stack trace error during start-up While starting, the Events Service fails to start up due to following stack tr...
Question How often does the data purge activity occur for EUM resource snapshots when the retention policy configuration is set? Answer For the on-premise EUM Processor, the expiration check happens once every hour.   The data purge that occurs ...