Hello everyone,
when trying to work with Analytics on my AppD on-premises environment, I get the following error.
The IP address of the server, where my Controller and Events-Service are hosted, has changed, that's why the above address http://ec...
Hello, we are using a standalone machine agent to monitor a java application which is deployed in a Docker container. The machine agent is installed in a standalone container. Our Dockerfile, where the directory ./AppServerAgent contains the machine...
I want to set up an on-prem AppD Platform according to this tutorial: https://github.com/sherifadel90/AppDynamicsPoVReadyLab (see Steps 1-3) After unzipping and installing the Enterprise Console - 64-bit Linux(sh) on my AWS instance sudo su
I did not find a solution for the problem. I just decided to reinstall the whole platform. The drawback is that all agents are being removed. I guess there has to be a better way.
When trying to start the Event Service I get the following error message also referring to my old IP-address ec2-3-120-31-140.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com How to change this address? Best, Christian
Hi Mario, I have solved the issue by deploying the Machine Agent Bundle instead of the standalone Machine Agent. As soon as I started the machine agent with <sim-enabled>true</sim-enabled> and <docker-enabled>true</docker-enabled> set to true in the ...
Hey Mario, The machine agent and java agent are running on the same host. I am running the machine agent as a standalone container by using the AppD image from the Docker Hub (docker pull store/appdynamics/machine:4.5). The petclinic application is ...
Great, thanks for the quick response! Is it also possible to configure the port for the Enterprise Console (which is 9191 by default)?This port can also not be accessed through our network.