AppDynamics Team (Retired)
since ‎09-28-2020

User Statistics

  • 99 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 34 Kudos given
  • 122 Kudos received

User Activity

Start a new learning journey or pick up where you left off by logging into Cisco U.    Today is the day to explore all that Cisco U. offers!   This means your AppDynamics University subscription just migrated to a Cisco U. subscription. If you still ...
Learn how you can prepare for AppDynamics University's migration to Cisco U. REVISED linked FAQ: See how to download your learning history  Video Length: 2 minutes 39 seconds Get excited! AppDynamics University self-paced and instructor-led training ...
In a few months, AppDynamics learning content is moving to a new learning platform: Cisco U. Find out how this change affects you. Thanks for being a valuable member of our AppDynamics University community. We have some big changes ahead that we want...
Learn in different translated languages and seamlessly enroll in instructor-led courses   Video Length: 1 minute 3 seconds In the last installment of this 3-part series in Uni Updates, learn how to find translated content for over 130 of our self-pac...
Take a look at our 'Prepare for a Certification' page    Video Length: 1 minute 4 seconds Welcome back to our Uni Updates mini-series—your source for University news. Episode 2, about our Prepare for a Certification page, is available to watch now: ...