I've got scripts that will call the API to get Applications and their Health Rules. I'm trying to get just the active/enabled Health Rules. If the option on the application to evaluate Health Rules is set to off, the Health Rules are still set to T...
If you use the "Hide in this flow map" but want to later recover the hidden item:Click "Application Flow Map" at the top left of the flow map, in the drop down select "Edit Current Flow Map". Look through the options. In my case it was the Database...
https://community.appdynamics.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Health-Rule-API-should-return-false-if-the-Application-has-the/idi-p/44788 I've submitted this to the Idea Exchange. Thanks.
Would an enhancement suggestion that the API return an enabled status of False if the application is not evaluating Health Rules warranted? Or have others already worked around this faulty logic?