Dear Support,
I like to know if Oracle BPM/Oracle SOA/Fusion application /process can be monitored with Appdynamics with Java agents.
Also, if Oracle 12C ERP good fit with Appdynamics agents?
Dear Support,
I like to know if Appdynamics is good fit to monitor IBM standard BPM[Lombardi/BBPN] or IBM BPM Advanced[BPEL]. Any POC carried anywhere/any experince like to know.
Note: I am inteded to monitor long running process.
Dear community,
I am looking for advice for Mobile App SDK, auto-instrumentation for Android allows anyone to instrument any Android Application Package (APK, except hybrid apps) to be injected (without access to the original source code) and the app...
Dear Gurmit,
Many Thanks for clarity. Now I can try doing POC. which version of BPM u are using - Lombardi or Advance BPM. any hints highly appreciated-
Dear Lokesh,
I need more clarity if all the porlets can be monitored with just single JBOSS JVM agents- Any POC carried and tested with Any Porlet of IBM or Liferay- JSR 168 and JSR 286. it is beyound just process. In Java world there are 100 Plus ...