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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Learn in different translated languages and seamlessly enroll in instructor-led courses

  Video Length: 1 minute 3 seconds

In the last installment of this 3-part series in Uni Updates, learn how to find translated content for over 130 of our self-paced topics. If you have a Premium University subscription, you’ll also be able to directly enroll in instructor-led courses through a calendar view:JohannaAu_0-1695754076669.gif


Have you caught up on all the Uni Updates episodes?

We hope you've enjoyed watching the UniUpdates video mini-series so far and that you've learned how to better utilize your AppDynamics University access. 

Just to recap recent releases: 


About presenter Johanna Au 

Johanna works as a UX Designer and Marketing Specialist for the AppDynamics University and Cisco U teams. In her free time, she loves to style outfits, do DIY crafts, practice hip-hop dancing, and watch scary movies.


Additional Resources 

There are some big changes coming to AppDynamics University. To stay in the know, make sure to subscribe to the AppDynamics University Community and the AppDynamics YouTube channel.