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The remote name could not be resolved

Hi Team,


I have installed the .net agent on the windows server and it shows waiting for a connection. When I checked in AgentLog it shows the below error, please help how to fix this issue.


2022-03-15 09:55:34.1093 29580 AppDynamics.Coordinator 1 28 Warn MachineAgentManager Metrics Error sending metric data to controller:System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: '[Redacted]'

   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)


^ Post edited by @Ryan.Paredez to redact Controller name. Please do not share your Controller name or URL for security and privacy purposes. 


AppDynamics Team
Thank you for posting a question on the community!


First of all, I recommend checking your network between a controller and the windows server.
By executing nslookup command on the windows server, you can make sure if the controller host name cam be resolved correctly.
nslookup <Your Controller Name>
If it fails, there might be some problems on the network.
And if a proxy server exists between the controller and the windows server, you also need to configure proxy settings.
The document link to proxy configuration:
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
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