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12-12-2017 09:12 AM
I've some list of critical BT's to lookout from an configured application . I see those in the list , but some of them are with no performance data, I want those BT's to report the metrics.
Could some one please help me how can i get those BT calls on track.
12-12-2017 11:16 PM
Business Transaction will report if load is generated on those BTs. If the BTs are not reporting despite load, then it could be due to BT configuration. Please check if disabling all BTs except those not generating data helps. If it does, you can adjust the priority accordingly.
12-14-2017 05:22 AM
12-17-2017 05:24 AM
You can disable the custom match rules and check if the URLs are then getting captured. Also make sure the entry points type match with the rules that you have created. For example if its a servlet request, then create rule for servlet type.
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