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How to Instrument Windows services

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I've tried to instrument Windows services after reading documentation ., by adding below XML element into the config.xml in this path "(“%ProgramData%\AppDynamics\DotNetAgent\Config\config.xml”)"



   <windows-service name="BasicWindowsService">

     <tier name="Service Tier"/>


   <windows-service name="SecondWindowsService">

     <tier name="Service Tier"/>





After putiting this in config.xml and restarting the agents , im not able to collect any metrics related to that. Instead app agent went down . When i checked the logs i saw the below error information on it.


“2017-11-22 17:07:57.0690 12328 AppDynamics.Coordinator 1 9 Error ConfigurationManager Error reading the configuration file: There is an error in XML document (23, 5).

The 'windows-services' start tag on line 19 position 5 does not match the end tag of 'app-agents'. Line 23, position 5.”


Could someone please advise on this item. Thanks





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Hi Soundrajan,


Instead of using windows service configuration, please configure the exectable running behing as stand alone application, as mentioned in following document.


You configuration should look like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<appdynamics-agent xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <controller host="" port="8090" ssl="false">
    <application name="My Business Application" />
  <machine-agent />
        <applications />
        <standalone-application executable="MyWindowsService.exe">
           <tier name="Windows Service Tier" />
        <standalone-application executable="MyStandaloneApp.exe">
           <tier name="Standalone Tier" />

After modifying the config.xml, please restart the coordinator service and windows application sequentially and then apply the load. Once you can see your node registered, you need to create POCO entry points for business transactions as mentioned in document below:




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Hi Ashutosh, Thanks for your quick response. Pls correct me if im wrong., 1). Is that process of instrumenting Standalone application and Windows services are two different entities or same one ? 2). I've instrumented IIS for that specific application already. So can i add the below tags in the config.xml which is already there, will that be enough ? Regards, Soundarajan

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Hi Soundrajan,


Windows service will run a standalone executable internally, so you we recommended you to replace the windows service section with that of stand alone one. Windows service section was used with older agents. For latest agent we recommend you to use stand alone configuration.


Please let us know if that does not help.




Not applicable
Thanks Ashutosh , I'm clear with the concept now. I'm checking with Poco entry points, will comeback with my results here once i done with that. Regards, Soundarajan

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Hi Ashutosh, I've tried to configure Windows services as standalone pattern. So i did configuration for one IIS and one Windows services ., but IIS only got registered and showing up in UI . I'm unable to witness any node registration happened for Windows services., its not showing any thing related to it. Regards, Soundarajan

Not applicable
Hi Ashutosh,
I've configured window services for an application. For that I'm able to see it got registered sucessfully in the logs. But it does not show up in flowmap or reporting any metrics even after creating POCO entrypoints &rules.
Any remedy for this pls ..

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