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License limitation



I'm new to here and have a question about license.

My customer is planning to purchase 40 licenses for their Java application servers.

Actually, they have over 40 servers in their production environment. It's around 60.


As far as I know, I can install Java agent to all of the servers but Appdynamics controller will accept connection for 40 servers only.


If I need to see performance metric data which reside in the rest of 20 servers, do I have to remove the agent setting and restart 20 servers which already registered to Appdynamics controller for accepting new server's registration?




Not applicable

Hi Gary.Sun,


looking at


the behaviour should be the following:



For licensing purposes, the Controller releases the license for the agent if the Controller has not received data from the agent in the previous 5 minutes. This license availability behavior is not affected by the historical node status or node deletion timeout settings.



So I guess you could just block the connection from the agents you don't want to have monitored anymore for at least 5 minutes or as you said restart the application without the agent.



Hi Philipp,
Thanks for your helpful information. I have another question extend from your reply.

To block the connection from specified agent, Is there a UI interface to do it or I have to do it from network layer by command?


Not applicable
Hi, you would have to do this from your network layer.
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