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AppDynamics downgrade from Pro Trial to Lite didn't complete - License denied

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I experience the same issue as many other users, the downgrade from Pro Trial to Lite didn't work. On the controller (  I see AppDynamics Pro Trial Expired.



on my subscription page I see Downgraded to lite.



And the agent is unable to register, licence denied :

[AD Thread Pool-Global0] 04 Jul 2018 10:36:35,526  WARN ConfigurationChannel - ResponseReadException creating Response Wrapper [g], : Error
in controller in processing binary request AppAgent Config Data  - Agent license request denied. Agent type: java-app-agent; Node: ***; Application: ***; Host:
 ***; License Rule: Default; Reason: License limit hit for account


There is no other agent registered.


Can someone help with this.


Not applicable

Is there an update to this? I am in the same situation, and I REALLY dont want to have to re-provision...

Not applicable

The original account had expired, we had to create a new account but by the time we go through our approval process internally, the trial expired and again the downgrade to lite version did not completed. The new account is wharf2018091111263910.


It will be really interesting if someone could fix this, because I can't see how I could sell the added value of the product to the managent if I can't use it and show them that AppDynamics could help us to fix an issue that nobody was able to fix in 2 years.

AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Thanks for reporting @Anonymous, will look into this and report on this thread. 

Not applicable
Ive got to echo Eric's comments... I used to be an ardent supporter of Appdynamics, but quality seems to have fallen quite far as of late...

@Anonymous Thank you for your patience and reporting this issue.  We found the bug and have resolved it.  You should now have access to wharf2018091111263910 as Lite account.


Please keep us posted if you continue to face the issue.


Thank you,


Not applicable

Hi, it's working now.



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