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Inside Analytics Advanced search using ADQL when a metric is created on search output, the metric data is not changed when the search query is changed hence reports different data.


For example: Making a change to an Advanced Transaction Analytics Saved Search which had a saved Metric, and the Metric continued to return results of the old query.

Specifically, going from a broad search:

SELECT count(*) FROM bt_resp_time_4 WHERE Datacenter = 'XYZ' AND CustomerName = 'XYZ' AND PassFail = 'Pass'

 to a more exclusive one:

SELECT count(*) FROM bt_resp_time_4 WHERE Datacenter = 'XYZ' AND CustomerName = 'XYZ' AND ApplicationName = 'Web Store' AND BT = 'Login' AND PassFail = 'Pass'

The results went from ~200 requests to ~20 per minute on the Advanced Query, but the counts for the saved Metric stayed the same.


This behavior is seen because the metric data once created is persisted inside db and can't be modified only by just changing the associated search query. 


The only way to sort it out is to delete the Metrics using the old search query, and re-create them with the same names.

This will enforce the new search query to persist in db with the same name.

Version history
Last update:
‎09-07-2018 01:09 PM
Updated by:
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