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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Business iQ - User Journeys Use Case [Air-Date April 18, 2018] 

Run Time: 60 minutes.

@Anonymous of AppDynamics R&D Engineering Team leads us through a hands on demo.  See below for video playback. 
Session Agenda
1. Quick intro to five key BiQ use cases
2. How to build a BiQ User Journeys dashboard
• Review configuration of Business Transactions and data collectors
• Work on ADQL queries and dashboards
• Custom business metrics and health rules
3. Best practices in applying these use cases to your environment



Q&A Transcript

What are your recommendations for getting further validation of my business’ challenges/issues and building my use cases?

Can I create a drill-down from that funnel widget? For example, can I drill down into the errors?

Is there a lab environment where I can practice building a dashboard with step by step instructions?


What are your recommendations for getting further validation of my business’ challenges/issues and building my use cases?

We recommend engaging with both the Business and IT at the same time. The Business know the challenges, issues, and KPIs they'd like to visualize. On the other hand, IT (application team, architect, developer) knows how to visualize the data that the business is interested in. It’s dismantling the silos and bridging the gap between business and IT. Business drives conversation by providing requirements but it’s IT department that knows how to get the data.


Can I create a drill-down from that funnel widget? For example, can I drill down into the errors?

Yes, you can do is right-click on the funnel (available in version 4.4) and review data for that specific transaction. You can drill down and see a whole day’s events reporting as errors. This can be done for any step in the funnel.


Is there a lab environment where I can practice building a dashboard with step by step instructions?

There is no pre-backed lab environment like the one I’ve been using. While we don't have a lab environment, we provide a trial so the customer or prospector can easily download and potentially use all the pieces of the solution, including Business iQ.


Version history
Last update:
‎09-07-2018 11:35 AM
Updated by:
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