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What user permissions must be granted when installing Java Agent binaries?

While installing Java Agents, it is mandatory for the user running JVM to have certain access permissions for agent binaries. In this article, find an approach for assigning these permissions, which can be validated in the best order for the environment in which Agents are being installed. 


In this article... 


How do I grant required user permissions when installing agent binaries? 

While installing Java agents, it is mandatory for the user running JVM to have certain access permissions to agent binaries.  

The following approach can be validated for use in the best order for the environment in which Agents are being installed. For example, you can make slight adjustments based on the OS version, type, and allowed security privileges at the environmental level. 

  • The user must have write privileges to the conf and logs directories in the Java Agent home. One way to achieve this is to install the agent as the same user that owns the JVM.

  • Provide admin or 777 to agent binaries recursively.

  • Writable permissions to conf/logs and read permissions for all files recursively. Executable permissions to the javaagent.jar file being referenced in the installation.

    For example:

For RHEL9 with SE Linux turned ON
Executable permissions to javaagent.jar will be needed for all users. (chmod a+rx <path>/javaagent.jar)

For IBM WAS running on AIX/UNIX/Linux
Try set agent binaries user as JVM/WAS running user to avoid user permissions conflicts.


Additional resources

See Install the Java Agent in the documentation 

Version history
Last update:
‎12-11-2023 07:10 PM
Updated by:
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