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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

OIA_Proactive monitoring auto alerts_JHelter.pngSynthetic testing provides proactive email and text notification before end-user performance is affected


CONTENTSIntroduction | Video |Resources | About the presenter 

Video Length: 2 min 46 seconds 

E-commerce DevOps teams can use AppDynamics to monitor the health and performance of their applications, receiving alerts on issues before significant business impact. Devs can use AppDynamics to provide automatic email and text notifications about such issues.

In this demo, see how you can harness a custom email alert notification to view anomalous synthetic transaction events within the Browser App Dashboard, drill into the Heath Rules violation page, and link to a custom dashboard to troubleshoot an unexpected increase in synthetic end-user response time for shopping cart activity.



Additional Resources 

Learn more about these related Cisco AppDynamics topics in the documentation: 


About presenter John Helter

John Helter, Senior Sales EngineerJohn Helter, Senior Sales Engineer

John joined Cisco AppDynamics in October of 2021 as a Federal Public Sector Solutions Engineer. Despite the opportunity being quite a collection of "firsts" (first Sales based role, first job in the "Tech Industry," and first-time changing jobs during a global pandemic), John is thrilled he took a chance and considers himself extremely fortunate to be an AppDynamo-Cisconian and to work day in and day out with such an amazing team!

Primarily supporting current and potential U.S. Department of Defense customers, John is focused on the AppD On-Prem product (which is actually a self-hosted solution that can be deployed in “The Cloud,” on virtualized machines and/or within physical on-premises environments). Feel free to reach out to him if you have any AppDynamics-related on-prem questions, need deployment support, or to share as many “dad-jokes” as humanly possible!

Version history
Last update:
‎11-16-2023 02:47 PM
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