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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Affects: Controller version 4.0, 4.1, 4.2


Controller reaches out to the EUM server every hour to confirm the registration of all the EUM enabled applications. If for any reason, the controller is having problems because of which it could not get the registration confirmation (EUM is down, or there is a problem with EUM-Controller DB connectivity), you may see the following error in the Controller server.log file:


[#|2016-12-20T11:06:49.375-0800|INFO|glassfish3.1.2||_ThreadID=598;_ThreadName=Thread-6;|EUM Cloud registration performed for application 103, current state : null|#]
[#|2016-12-20T11:06:49.374-0800|INFO|glassfish3.1.2||_ThreadID=598;_ThreadName=Thread-6;|Aborting EUM registration for application 103, Response indicates the account credentials are invalid.|#]

When this happens, the controller stops collecting the data for the said application for that hour to avoid further errors. Controller will retry the registration for that application in the next hour. If that is successful (EUM has recovered), the data should start flowing in again from the next hour.


However after the EUM has recovered, before the next hour, the controller will still only retry the registration in the next hour, and potentially the data for that hour will be lost.


To avoid this, we can force the controller to reregister itself with EUM with the following ways:

1. Force registration for a single application

Screen Shot 2017-01-03 at 12.48.19 PM.png

Go to "User Experience"->Browser App or Mobile App->Configuration->"Web Javascript Intrumentation" or "Mobile Apps"

Un-check "Enable End User Moniotring"

Wait for 5 seconds

Check "Enable End User Moniotring"

Press Save


This will force the registration for that particular app, and the data should start showing again in the controller UI


2. To force registration for all the applications at once:

Login to admin.jsp

Go to Accounts

Double-click the account in question

Go to the "End User Monitoring (EUM)" section

Note the value of "Browser RUM Units Licensed" and change it to some arbitary value

Hit Save

Wait for 5 seconds

Change the value of  "Browser RUM Units Licensed" back to its original value

Hit save again

Screen Shot 2017-01-03 at 12.55.52 PM.png


Once this is done, the controller will reregister all the applications with EUM again, and you should see the following in the controller server.log:

[#|2016-12-20T11:54:54.170-0800|INFO|glassfish3.1.2||_ThreadID=691;_ThreadName=Thread-6;|For App[Digital_PROD] EUM Enabled Status updated from [true] to [false]|#]
[#|2016-12-20T11:55:07.310-0800|INFO|glassfish3.1.2||_ThreadID=687;_ThreadName=Thread-6;|For App[Digital_PROD] EUM Enabled Status updated from [false] to [true]|#]

At this time, the data for all the applications should be seen flowing again in the controller UI

Version history
Last update:
‎02-20-2019 09:55 AM
Updated by:
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