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on 06-28-2017 09:55 AM - edited on 02-04-2019 01:53 PM by Nina.Wolinsky
Custom metrics allows the user to specify a SQL query to run on a monitored DB every minute, and collect the results of the query.
This document specifies restrictions and limitations, as well as some examples and debugging techniques.
with the following property; however, it should be increased graciously.
[<MyTestMysql>-Scheduler-3] 29 May 2017 11:04:59,702 ERROR CustomMetricsCollector - Error collecting data for database 'MyTestMysql'
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid custom metric: test4 , actual data type is non-numeric and expected data type is numeric (Custom Metric : test4)
09 Jun 2017 13:40:08,889 ERROR [<Database>-Scheduler-1] CustomMetricsCollector:130 - Error collecting data for database 'Database' java.sql.SQLException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-952, SQLSTATE=57014, SQLERRMC=null, DRIVER=4.16.53 (Custom Metric : TestMetric) COUNT(1) "total" from dual; - Worked
Output: 1
2. select 9+ ' ' +':00' num from dual; - Worked.
Output: 9
3. select name from user where id=3 - Not working as expected
Output: root
4. select id as node_id from application_component_node where id NOT in (select distinct(node_id) from metricdata_hour where ts_min > ((select max(ts_min) from metricdata_hour)) - 60*2) - Worked/Not Worked based on output
Output: Fails if returns multiple records
Are there any restrictions on Joins or Table aliases? I think queries terminating with a semi-colon fail as far as I've observed.
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