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I need to instrument an Adobe ColdFusion app — how do I do it?


Table of Contents


How do I install the Java Agent on Cold Fusion?

Install the AppDynamics Java Agent on ColdFusion using either the ColdFusion Administrator Console method, or the ColdFusion .jvm config file method, found below:


Install the Java Agent using the ColdFusion Administrator Console

  1. Start ColdFusion and access the Administrator Console. 
  2. Expand SERVER SETTINGS in the left side tree, then click Java and JVM.
  3. In the JVM Arguments text box, add the AD agent entry to the -javaagent argument.
  4. Click Submit Changes.


Install the Java Agent using the ColdFusion jvm.config file 

You can also add the -javaagent argument to jvm.args property in jvm.config file located at  <ColdFusion_Install_Dir>\cfusion\bin\jvm.config and restart the ColdFusion. 

For example:

shell>>cd C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin
shell> coldfusion.exe restart
Ex: C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\bin\jvm.config


Note: Additional configuration is required for transaction discovery. Refer to AppDynamics Servlet Entry Points documentation


Tips: ColdFusion with Java Agent

  • The Java Agent can handle ColdFusion applications that target the JVM. A ColdFusion application, once compiled to Java class files, is not that different from the typical Java app. The agent can identify business transactions, exit points, and so on.

  • CfmServlet is detected as entry point on the JRun Server, out of the box. The Agent also has support for mapping ColdfFusion UDF's (User defined Functions) in callgraphs.


Resource Summary

AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hi Community, 

We were informed that this article had a dead link for "additional resources." I just removed it as this was in error. 


Please use comments for additional feedback and questions. Thanks for letting us know so we can keep information up to date!

Version history
Last update:
‎06-28-2021 10:17 PM
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