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AppDynamics Team

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Custom JMX Attributes in the MBean Browser

  1. From the MBean browser page select a MBean. Inside that you will have many attributes. Choose the attribute for which you want to create a custom attribute from
    Eg: ImplementationVersion​

  1. Now click on Configure JMX Metrics
  2. Click Add -> JMX Config
  3. Provide a name and description and click Save
  4. Now select the JMX Config and Add a Rule
  5. Here provide a name for the Rule. Metric Path can be any path that you want the attribute to be reported under. Domain name is the Mbean Name. Object Name Match Pattern is the Object Name from MBean
    Metric Path -> Tomcat Test
    Domain -> JMImplementation
    Object Name Match Pattern -> JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate​
  6. Under Define Metric from MBean Attributes section, define the MBean Attribute , Metric Name and Metric Getter chain that you want and save it.
    MBean Attribute -> ImplementationVersion
    Metric Name -> ImplementationVersion
    Metric Getter Chain -> toString().split(\\.).[0]​

  1. Now go to Node Dashboard -> JMX -> JMX Metrics -> View JMX Metrics. Here under JMX you will be able to see the custom JMX attribute that you created


Version history
Last update:
‎09-05-2024 11:45 AM
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