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on 05-05-2017 09:24 AM - edited on 10-03-2018 04:36 PM by Nina.Wolinsky
You can change the root user password from the AppDynamics Administration Console page.
Note: If using the "Forgot Password" link, the emailed token will expire four hours after it is sent. The duration of this token is not configurable.
Note: Logging in to the Administration Console requires you to have the root user password. If you do not have the root user password and need to reset it, follow these instructions:
If you have lost the AppDynamics root user password for your installation and need to reset it, follow these steps:
From the command line, change to the Controller's bin directory. For example, on Linux:
cd <controller_home>/bin
At the MySQL prompt, enter the following SQL command to get root user details:
select * from user where name='root' \G;
Use the following SQL command to change the password:
update user set encrypted_password = sha1('<NewPassword>') where name = 'root';
The hash for the password will be upgraded to PBKDF2 when you log in.
For information on setting the database root user password, see Controller Data and Backups.
Relevant Links:
Hi There,
Thank you for your reply.
I tried to do that, but the Database service is like stopped, I try to start but it is impossible.
@Anonymous sorry to hear it didn't work, your next best bet is to open a support ticket.
Let us know how it goes.
@jeanie.kedia, thank you, I will do that.
Hi All,
I am getting below message:
# bin/ login-db
[INFO] Path to mysql is not defined in system environment (MYSQL_BIN). Using mysql from /opt/appdynamics/controller/db/bin
[INFO] Mysql configuration file is not defined in system environment (AD_DB_CNF). Using mysql configuration file: /opt/appdynamics/controller/db/db.cnf
[INFO] Mysql datadir is /opt/appdynamics/controller/db/data
Logging into the controller database
Enter password:
I have lost the db password.
There is no .rootpw file in the db folder as well. How do I reset this? Please advise!
@Anonymous there isn't a quick answer for this, need Support to investigate perhaps for you. Let me know how it goes, please private message me if you are not able to open a support ticket and can assist further.
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