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AppDynamics Team

This article explains how to move a Controller from one folder to another.


Table of Contents


What you need to know before you begin

These instructions assume the host has a simple Controller installation, with the database, Controller, reporting and embedded events service on the same host.


You can use these instructions with version 4.3 with the Controller installer, or with versions 4.4+ with Enterprise Console (EC). For versions 4.4+ using the EC, extra steps might be required in order to rediscover all services.


  1. High Availability (HA) re-configuration will require additional assistance from the Systems Team.


Step 1. Preparation

Make sure none of the Controller's services are up and running.


Common considerations

  • Unless it’s impossible to do so, it’s best to back up the Controller first, to avoid unexpected losses
  • Make sure the target folder’s disk configuration is done according to AppDynamics' System Requirements and Supported Environments guidelines
  • Make sure the user has the permissions to read, write, and execute in the target folder
  • Rename the existing <controller-dir>/logs folder
  • Create a new<controller-dir>/logs folder


Step 2. Stop Controller processes

Stop the Controller processes using the following instructions, depending on whether you’re working in Linux or Windows OS.


Linux OS

$ <controller-dir>/bin/
$ <controller-dir>/bin/ stop-events-service
$ ps -ef| grep -i appd | grep -v grep | grep -v ssh


The output of the last command should not have running processes related to the controller installation.


Windows OS

  1. Stop Reporting Service
  2. Stop Events Service
  3. Stop Controller Service
  4. Stop Database Service


Step 3. Move the Controller to your target folder

Move the Controller from folder A to folder B using the following instructions, depending on whether you’re working in Linux or Windows OS.


Linux OS

$ cp -r <controller-source-dir> <controller-target-dir>


Remove any old references for AppD related services


Windows OS

robocopy Controller-Source-Dir controller-target-dir /e /copyall

Step 4. Delete and add services

Delete and add services as follow:


  1. Delete existing services (check Windows Service Manager for the exact names):
    • sc delete "AppDynamics Controller Application Server"
    • sc delete "AppDynamics Database"
    • sc delete "AppDynamics Events Service API Store XXXXX"
    • sc delete "appdynamicsreportingservice.exe"


  1. Add 3 services back:
  • AppDynamics Controller Application Server
    • sc create "AppDynamics Controller Application Server"
      binPath= <
      domains\domain1\bin\AppDynamicsDomain1Service.exe" DisplayName= "AppDynamics Controller Application Server" start= auto
    • sc description "AppDynamics Controller Application Server" "AppDynamics Application Server"

  • AppDynamics Database
    • sc create "AppDynamics Database" binPath= "<controller-target-dir>\db\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=\"<controller-target-dir>\db\db.cnf\" \"AppDynamics Database\"" DisplayName= "AppDynamics Database"
    • sc description "AppDynamics Database" "MySQL Database"

  • AppDynamics Reporting Service
    • sc create "appdynamicsreportingservice.exe" binPath= "Controller-Target-Dir\reporting_service\reports\daemon\appdynamicsreportingservice.exe" DisplayName= "AppDynamics Reporting Service" start= auto
    • sc description "appdynamicsreportingservice.exe" "AppDynamics report generation service."


  1. The AppDynamics Events Service needs special care: install it using the following steps:
    • cd <controller-target-dir>\events_service
    • bin\events-service.exe service-install -p conf\ --auto-start


Step 5. Modify files to reflect the new path

Modify the following files with the new file path, as appropriate to your operating system. 


Common files

  • <controller-target-dir>/.install4j/pref_jre.cfg
  • <controller-target-dir>/.install4j/response.varfile
  • <controller-target-dir>/appserver/glassfish/domains/domain1/bin/AppDynamicsDomain1Service.xml
  • <controller-target-dir>/appserver/glassfish/domains/domain1\config/domain.xml
  • <controller-target-dir>/db/db.cnf
  • <controller-target-dir>/events_service/conf/
  • <controller-target-dir>/events_service/conf/events-service-api-store.yml
  • <controller-target-dir>/events_service/conf/events-service.vmoptions
  • <controller-target-dir>/reporting_service/reports/config/default-config.json
  • <controller-target-dir>/reporting_service/reports/daemon/appdynamicsreportingservice.xml


Linux OS files

  • <controller-target-dir>/appserver/glassfish/config/asenv.conf
  • <controller-target-dir>/reporting_service/reports/bin/


Windows OS files

  • <controller-target-dir>/appserver/glassfish/config/asenv.bat
  • <controller-target-dir>/reporting_service/reports/bin/reports-service.bat


Step 6. Restart the Controller

Restart the Controller using the relevant process below, according to your OS


Linux OS

$ <controller-dir>/bin/


Windows OS

  1. Start Database Service
  2. Start Controller Service
  3. Start Reporting Service
  4. Start Events Service



Version history
Last update:
‎10-07-2020 09:39 PM
Updated by:
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