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AppDynamics Team

How can I check and troubleshoot issues with the Reporting Services' on-prem instance? 

This article provides instructions on how to check whether the on-prem instance of Reporting Service is running, how to start and stop the Reporting Service, where to find the logs for on-prem installations, and troubleshoot login and report readability issues.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage and resolve any issues related to the Reporting Service. These steps are applicable to On-prem Controllers and Support will check these for SaaS customers.


In this article...


How do I check the on-prem instance of the Reporting Service (RS)?

To determine if the on-prem instance of Reporting Service is running, follow these steps:

  1. Open the command line interface on your system.
  2. Enter the command ps aux | grep node.
  3. Look for the process node reporting_service/reports/index.js.
    If you find this process, it indicates that the Reporting Service is running.

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How do I start and stop the Reporting Service (RS)?

To start or stop the Reporting Service, use the following instructions:

  1. Navigate to the reporting_service/reports/bin directory.
    • Use the command cd reporting_service/reports/bin to change the directory.
  2. To stop the Reporting Service, execute the command ./ stop.
  3. To start the Reporting Service, execute the command ./ start.

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Where do I locate the Reporting Service (RS) logs?


  • The logs can be found at <CONTROLLER_INSTALLATION_FOLDER>/reporting_service/reports/logs.

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How do I troubleshoot login issues and unreadable reports?

If the Reporting Service is unable to log in or the reports display a login screen, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Broken credentials in the Reporting Service.
  2. Connectivity issues preventing the Reporting Service from logging in.
  3. The controller has been configured with an incorrect deep link. Verify the
    "-Dappdynamics.controller.ui.deeplink.url" VM argument.


How do I enable debug mode in the Reporting Service to generate debug logs for troubleshooting reports?

To enable debug mode in the Reporting Service, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the reporting server:

    • Navigate to the <controller_home>/reporting_service/reports/bin directory.
    • Execute the command ./ stop.
  2. Enable debug log for reporting:

    • Open the <controller_home>/reporting_service/reports/config/default-config.json file.
    • Locate the "level" value and change it to "debug".
    • Change the value for the key "phantomDebugFlag" to "true".
  3. Start the reporting server:

    • Navigate to the <controller_home>/reporting_service/reports/bin directory.
    • Execute the command ./ start.

  4. Analyze the logs to see any errors and exceptions.

NOTE | Remember to revert the above settings after collecting the debug logs.

If you require further assistance or have any questions, please reach out to our Support team.

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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Many thanks to @Satbir.Singh for contributing this article!

I just want to confirm, for people who arrived to this article via the initial Share a Tip post where Satbir shared this content, that this is indeed the same information—in a new location with very minor formatting changes.

And while we're on the subject of the Share a Tip series, please don't hesitate to contribute your own favorite handy tips and hints there anytime!

Version history
Last update:
‎07-06-2023 05:53 PM
Updated by:
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