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JDBC connection pool metrics are not configured out-of-the-box for GlassFish.


To configure them, uncomment the JDBC connection pool section and provide the relevant information in the following file:




Uncomment the following section and follow the instructions provided in the file.

<!-- The following config can be uncommented to monitor glassfish JDBC connection pool. Please set the name of the connection pool (not the datasource name) and enable monitoring for the JDBC Pools on glassfish admin console. -->
<metric mbean-name-pattern="com.sun.appserv:type=jdbc-connection-pool,category=monitor,name=<set the name of pool>,*"
category="JDBC Connection Pools">
<counter-name>Connections In Use</counter-name>
<counter-name>Max Connections Used</counter-name>
<counter-name>Potential Leaks</counter-name>
<counter-name>Avg Wait Time Millis</counter-name>
<counter-name>Current Wait Queue Length</counter-name>

Hi! Сould you please update this information?

Community Manager

Hi @Yergali.Yerkalin,

Can you be more specific? Is something outdated or not working? 

Ryan, AppD Community Manager


I can not find such xml file 


in directory:





Hey Yergali,

step-1: enable setting to true to see if any other JMX mbeans are not getting stopped due to flag[…]-installat...
step-2: Post above setting, in recent versions the approach is below:

a) Agent creates JMX metrics as per mbeans exposed by JVM which could be seen in node dashboard -> JMX -> MBean browser (this is like JConsole), so the suggestion to user is to check first if target JDBC conncection mbean are exposed by JVM under “Mbean browser” in target sub category in list we see in controller UI
b) If we see target mbean browser than the suggestion is to use “create metric” step as in doc link by selecting target attribute and then add any more more attributes so that JMX rule will be created.c) Post step-b above agent will try to match new JMX rule mbean and attributes with JVM exposed mbean object pattern (like mbean browser) and it will report in “metric browser” at tier/node -> JMX section (edited) 


If this does not work out, I recommend filing a support ticket and tag here. We can take it up 

Hope this helps



Version history
Last update:
‎02-21-2019 09:39 AM
Updated by:
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