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How do I use the Python Agent API to add custom Exit Points?


The AppDynamics Python Agent provides automatic exit point detection for many common libraries. If your specific library is not supported, you can use the Agent API to add custom exit points. A perfect place for these instrumentations is application middleware. 


In this article, we provide you with two examples of how you can quickly add instrumentation for all your database calls, in a:

  • Django application
  • Flask application when SQLAlchemy is used


Table of Contents 


How do I instrument database calls in Django?

Django comes with a feature called database instrumentation that allows you to intercept database calls. You can instrument all database calls following our guide.  


  1. If you already have a place to store your middleware, just add the code below.

    If this is your first additional middleware, create a file in your application folder (here, “app”) and add the code:
    from appdynamics.agent import api as appd
    from django.db import connection
    def appd_wrapper(request):
        bt_handle = appd.get_active_bt_handle(request)
        def real_wrapper(execute, sql, params, many, context):
            settings = context['connection'].settings_dict
            name = "sql://{}:{}/{}".format(settings['HOST'], settings['PORT'], settings['NAME'])
            with appd.exit_call(bt_handle, appd.EXIT_DB, name, {
                    'ENGINE': settings['ENGINE'],
                    'NAME': settings['NAME'],
                    'HOST': settings['HOST'],
                    'PORT': settings['PORT']
                }, operation=sql):
                return execute(sql, params, many, context)
        return real_wrapper
    class AppDynamicsMiddleware:
        def __init__(self, get_response):
            self.get_response = get_response
        def __call__(self, request):
            with connection.execute_wrapper(appd_wrapper(request)):
                return self.get_response(request)


  2. Put this code into action by using it as middleware in
    For example:


How do I instrument database calls with SQLAlchemy?

Flask (and every other wsgi application) allows you to add middleware to your code by wrapping your wsgi_app. For example, you might have the following code in your __init.py__:

app = Flask(__name__)


  1. Add the following code:
    App = Flask(__name__)
    App.wsgi_app = AppDynamicsMiddleware(app.wsgi_app)


  2. Now, add the middleware code into a file. For example “app/middleware/”:
    import logging
    from werkzeug.wrappers import Request, Response
    from appdynamics.agent import api as appd
    from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
    from sqlalchemy.event import listen
    from sqlalchemy.pool import Pool
    class AppDynamics:
        def __init__(self, app):
            listen(Engine, "before_cursor_execute", self.before_cursor_execute)
            listen(Engine, "after_cursor_execute", self.after_cursor_execute)
            listen(Engine, "handle_error", self.handle_error)
            self.bt_handle = None
            self.req = None
   = app
            self.exit_call = None
        def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
            self.req = Request(environ, shallow=True)
            return, start_response)
        def on_connect(self, conn, *args):
            logging.warn("New DB connection:", conn)
        def before_cursor_execute(self, conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany):
            id_props = {
                'Port': conn.engine.url.port,
                'Vendor': conn.engine.url.database
            name = f'sql://{}:{conn.engine.url.port}:{conn.engine.url.database}'
            # self.bt_handle = appd.start_bt(self.req.environ['PATH_INFO'])
            self.bt_handle = appd.get_active_bt_handle(self.req)
            self.exit_call = appd.start_exit_call(self.bt_handle, appd.EXIT_DB, name, id_props, operation=statement)
        def after_cursor_execute(self, conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany):
            # logging.warn("middleware after cursor execution", self.exit_call)
            if self.exit_call:
        def handle_error(self, context):
            # logging.warn("middleware handle error", self.exit_call)
            if self.exit_call:
                appd.end_exit_call(self.exit_call, context)


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Last update:
‎08-10-2021 09:31 PM
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