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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Considerations for configuring rules to enforce Analytics trade-offs



Create the configuration rules for your on-premise Controller based on your analytics resource priorities and strategic trade-offs.


Note: These configuration rules are described in the Browser RUM (BRUM), Mobile RUM (MRUM), and IoT Monitoring documentation. 


Analytics Trade-offs

As you add new applications to your Analytics deployment, you can control resource consumption by making strategic trade-offs. 


Understanding Analytics trade-offs begins with this concept:


Anytime we acquire or generate more information to analyze, that costs something.
Conversely, by choosing not to acquire or generate unimportant information, we can realize savings. 


To make a trade-off, you take an action that either increases or decreases the amount of information that Analytics must process. Ask yourself:


Does the potential benefit of the action justify the cost, for the user’s customer's particular situation?


Costs or savings can be in terms of:

  • Licenses
  • Hardware
  • Energy use


The following table shows important trade-offs to consider:




When is the cost justified?

Discover Ajax calls

More information about activity in the browser

Many more requests for the system to handle 

When there is a web front-end that depends heavily on Ajax

Restrict discovery to pages of a specific type of pages that satisfy particular rules

Limit burden on the Events Service

Less information about activity in the browser

When knowing about the excluded information adds little value, and/or unnecessarily complicates your picture of application behavior

Restrict Analytics BT Events

Limit burden on the Events Service

Less information about BTs

 When knowing about the excluded information adds little value, and/or unnecessarily complicates your picture of application behavior

Restrict Analytics log events

Limit burden on the Events Service

Less log information to search when troubleshooting

When knowing about the excluded information adds little value, and/or unnecessarily complicates your picture of application behavior


For more details, see Configuring Application Analytics.

Version history
Last update:
‎02-27-2020 11:47 PM
Updated by:
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