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How do you change the Controller username for a Controller install for Linux on-premise?


To change the AppDynamics username complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure that all AppDynamics processes are stopped.
  2. Obtain the username and group name for the AppDynamics install.
  3. Edit in the AppDynamics username into the db.cnf: 'user' option.
  4. Run the following commands:
    cd <controller install>; chown -R <AppD username>:<AppD groupname>
  5. Restart AppDynamics processes.
  6. If the HA Toolkit is installed, then install the Linux services as root:
    cd HA; ./ -s OR ./ -c # to match earlier choice
Note that changing the install directory is basically a re-install.
Version history
Last update:
‎09-14-2018 09:39 AM
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