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What hardware requirements and scripts do I need to install Private Synthetic Agent in Minikube environment?

This article describes an automated method of installing Private Synthetic Agent (PSA) in the Minikube environment using provided scripts. 

In this article…

What are the hardware requirements using Minikube? 
How do I download the PSA and automation scripts? 
What are the PSA install options?

What are the PSA upgrade options 
What are the PSA uninstall options? 


What are the hardware requirements for installing and running PSA using  Minikube?

The following table outlines the hardware requirements for each component needed to successfully install PSA with the provided Minikube automation.

A lightweight Kubernetes implementation that creates a VM on your local machine and deploys a simple cluster containing only one node.
1 2 4GB 20GB 1 2 4 20GB  
An Orchestrator that connects to the Synthetic Cloud to fetch measurement jobs for the PSA cluster
1 2 4GB - 2 3 5GB -  
Measurement Container
A temporary or short-lived container auto-orchestrated by Heimdall to execute every measurement.
Need-based 0.5 1GB - Need-based 1.25 2GB -  
TOTALS   5 9GB 20   7 11GB 20GB  

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How do I download the PSA and automation scripts?

The following PSA Minikube automation scripts are included in the attached ZIP file.


cd sum-psa-minikube
chmod 777 install_psa_minikube
chmod 777 uninstall_psa_minikube
chmod 777 upgrade_psa_minikube
cp install_psa_minikube /usr/local/bin/
cp uninstall_psa_minikube /usr/local/bin/
cp upgrade_psa_minikube /usr/local/bin/


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Where do I download the PSA bundle?

The PSA script bundle is available in the attached ZIP file.

You can download the zip file for Simple Synth PSA installation from either the AppDynamics Downloads Portal or from the beta upload tool. This file contains Dockerfiles for sum-chrome-agent, sum-heimdall, and Helm charts used to install the agent and set up monitoring.

IMPORTANT | To build an image for sum-chrome-agent and sum-heimdall, ensure that Docker is installed. If it is not installed, you can download and install Docker from here.

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What are the PSA install options?

The following installation steps are included in the attached ZIP archive.



Usage: /usr/local/bin/install_psa_minikube -e <Environment> -l -v -u <EUM URL> -a <EUM Account> -k <EUM Key> -c <Location Code> -d <Location Description> -t <Location Name> -s <Location State> -o <Location Country> -i <Location Latitude> -g <Location Longitude> -p <PSA TAG> -r <Heimdall replica count> -z <Agent Type api/web/all>

	-e  -   Environment e.g. Minikube/EKS/AKS/GKE/BareMetal
	-v  -   Debug mode
	-l  -   Load images to Minkube environment
	-u  -   *EUM URL e.g.
	-a  -   *EUM Account e.g. Ati-23-2-saas-nov2
	-k  -   *EUM Key e.g. 2d35df4f-92f0-41a8-8709-db54eff7e56c
	-c  -   *Location Code e.g DEL for Delhi, NY for New York
	-d  -   Location Description e.g. 'Delhi, 100001'
	-t  -   *Location City e.g. Delhi
	-s  -   *Location State e.g. CA for California
	-o  -   *Location Country e.g. India, United States
	-i  -   Location Latitude e.g. 28.70 for Delhi
	-g  -   Location Longitude e.g. 77.10 for Delhi
	-p  -   *PSA release tag e.g. 21.12
	-r  -   Heimdall replica count e.g. 1
    -z  -   Agent Type e.g. api or web or all

 * - Mandatory parameters


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What are the PSA upgrade options?

The following upgrade options are included in the attached ZIP archive.



Usage: /usr/local/bin/install_psa_minikube -e <Environment> -v -u <EUM URL> -a <EUM Account> -k <EUM Key> -c <Location Code> -d <Location Description> -t <Location Name> -s <Location State> -o <Location Country> -i <Location Latitude> -g <Location Longitude> -p <PSA TAG> -r <Heimdall replica count> -z <Agent Type api/web/all>

	-e  -   Environment e.g. Minikube/EKS/AKS/GKE/BareMetal
	-v  -   Debug mode
	-u  -   *EUM URL e.g.
	-a  -   *EUM Account e.g. Ati-23-2-saas-nov2
	-k  -   *EUM Key e.g. 2d35df4f-92f0-41a8-8709-db54eff7e56c
	-c  -   *Location Code e.g DEL for Delhi, NY for New York
	-d  -   Location Description e.g. 'Delhi, 100001'
	-t  -   *Location City e.g. Delhi
	-s  -   *Location State e.g. CA for California
	-o  -   *Location Country e.g. India, United States
	-i  -   Location Latitude e.g. 28.70 for Delhi
	-g  -   Location Longitude e.g. 77.10 for Delhi
	-p  -   *PSA release tag e.g. 21.12
	-r  -   Heimdall replica count e.g. 1
    -z  -   Agent Type e.g. api or web or all

 * - Mandatory parameters


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What are the PSA uninstall options?

The following PSA uninstall options are included in the attached ZIP archive.


uninstall_psa_minikube -h

Usage: /usr/local/bin/uninstall_psa_minikube -p -m
	-p  -   Uninstall PSA only
          -m  -  Uninstall PSA and Minikube


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Version history
Last update:
‎01-27-2023 11:37 AM
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