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AppDynamics Team (Retired)



A page instrumented with the AppDynamics JavaScript Agent sends beacon initially, but eventually stops sending the beacon. This issue occurs when pages are not refreshed, and continue making the Ajax call.


This is due to Appdynamics having a default limit on how many Ajax calls can be monitored from a single base page. The default value is 50 calls. If a page is making a large number of Ajax calls and the base page does not load quite often, it hits the default call threshold and any further calls will not be monitored. 




Change the number of Ajax calls that are being monitored from a single base page using the following configuration, changing the maxPerPageView property to a higher value.


window['adrum-config'] = {
xhr: {
maxPerPageView: 7



For more information, see documentation: Limit the Number of Ajax Requests
Version history
Last update:
‎01-29-2018 11:04 AM
Updated by:
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