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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

In Controller release 4.5.13, we’ll roll out a dedicated home page for Application Analytics. The new Analytics Home page gives you a holistic view of your Analytics data, consolidating data from backend to end-user sessions in one, out-of-the-box screen. The Analytics Home page summarizes data for applications configured for Transaction, Browser, and Mobile Analytics.


Table of Contents

Take Action on Your Insights

Key Data Points

Transaction Summary Panel

End User Session Summary Panel

Future Enhancements


Take Action on Your Insights

With the Analytics Home page, you can stay on top of event performance with dynamic widgets that automatically update every two minutes. The Home page brings small, independent pieces of data together to gain greater insight into your app performance.


The Home page shows you general trends, as well as the specific behavior of your top events.


1 Analytics Home Page.png


Key Data Points

The Analytics Home page will contain data from Transaction Analytics and Browser and Mobile Real User Monitoring sessions. AppDynamics Query Language (ADQL) queries generate the data for each home page widget.


Transaction Summary Panel

The Transaction Summary panel consolidates Analytics data from applications and business transactions.


See your top business transactions and applications, broken down by transaction health. You’ll also get an overall health score trend of transactions for all of your applications.


The Transaction Summary panel contains six widgets. Three numerical widgets:

  • Total Transactions
  • Problematic Transactions
  • Normal Transactions

And three chart widgets:

  • Top 10 Applications by Transaction Volume
  • Top 10 Business Transactions by Transaction Volume
  • Transaction Score Trend


End User Session Summary Panel

The End User Session Summary panel displays Browser and Mobile Analytics sessions data.


See your bounce rate percentage, your top browser referrers, and the trend of total sessions for browser and mobile events.

2 End User Session Summary.png


The End User Session Summary panel contains six widgets. Three numerical widgets:

  • Browser Sessions
  • Mobile Sessions
  • Browser & Mobile Users

And three chart widgets:

  • Browser Session Bounce Rate
  • Top Page Referrers by Session Volume
  • Session Trend


Future Enhancements

We’ll continue to improve the Analytics Home page to give our users the best possible experience. Here are a few features you can look forward to:


  • One-click drill-down to the query data of each event
  • Filter options so you can customize which applications appear on each panel


If we’re missing anything, let us know! Contact us with your wishlist of features so we can incorporate your feedback into future enhancements.

Version history
Last update:
‎11-01-2019 05:26 PM
Updated by:
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