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Issue registering a cluster agent to the controller.


Hi everybody,

I'm trying to monitor a demo web app deployed with Kubernetes, but even following the documentation I end up short in that pursue, the web app consiste in 4 containers, all running properly on a Ubuntu Server 24.04, using MicroK8s and kubectl.

I followed this guide in the documentation:

Everything was clear for the seven steps, but I have to point it out that in the step 6, the YML example is showing the port 8080 for the controllerUrl, and since I have the SaaS version, I changed it to 443.

When I validate the installation noticed that the cluster agent was not registered, so I started following the troubleshooting docs, when I retrieve the logs for the namespace with the operator and the cluster-agent I checked the following error:
[ERROR]: 2024-07-03 15:52:57 - secretconfig.go:68 - Problem With Getting /opt/appdynamics/cluster-agent/secret-volume/api-user Secret: open /opt/appdynamics/cluster-agent/secret-volume/api-user: no such file or directory
I don't know why is searching for that specific path and in which moment should I create or where to find that api-user, that was not in the docs.

So I'll be really thankful if someone could help me with this issue.

Hope everybody have a nice day.



AppDynamics Team

Hello @Gustavo.Marconi,

Thank you for contacting us.

Looks like the access key is not setup properly. Can you please confirm if you have created the access key correctly ?

You can run the below command and check if you have setup the access key  or not.

kubectl get secret cluster-agent-secret -n appdynamics -o jsonpath='{.data.controller-key}' | base64 --decode

Also can you please confirm the agent version and the operator version that you're deploying ?


If you are using lessthan 23.11 version I would recommend you to dopwnload the latest version.


Could you please follow below:

  1. Download the latest version if the current version is 23.11 or less.
  2. Delete old Controller Access Key Secret:
  3. Create Controller Access Key Secret:
     kubectl -n appdynamics create secret generic cluster-agent-secret --from-literal=controller-key=<access-key>

Give a try and let me know how it goes.


Happy Friday and weekend.


Best Regards,
Rajesh Ganapavarapu



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