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Some of the sessionized results logged in controller UI shows connection type as "Offline"

Not applicable

Hi All,


I am using Mobile EUM(RUM) for tracking the performance and analytics based data. While monitoring the sessionized results (sessions > records), I can see all the information like Last Updated, Duration, Model, Device/Manufacturer, Connection Type etc.


Out of these attributes, For some of the records, Connection Type is populated with value "Offline" when compared with its possible values like "wifi", "3g","4g".


Can anyone let me know, what would be cause of Connection type to be populated as "Offline" ?


Below is the screenshot for the same




Thanks and Regards,

Nandagopal T



Not applicable

Our Android agent references ConnectivityManager for information on the device's connection.

Sometimes this frameworks fail to return information, for a variety of reasons, all of which are beyond our control. For example:

  1. Some devices from specific vendors disallow access to the ConnectivityManager for security reasons and appear in device logs as "Access to ConnectivityManager is denied".
  2. There are android devices and versions where the ConnectivityManager is not available or does not work in certain hardware configurations. There are several documented cases of this, the specific Android error is "missing IConnectivityManager",  and appear in device logs as "Error determining connection type".

Here, "offline" means that connectivity was limited at the time the request was sent.


Hope this helps.

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