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How can I get Unique User Count metric?




Please let me know if you can help me get this metric (Unique User Count)? If yes, kindly let me know how to derive it.


Best Regards

Mohan Krishna V


^Post edited by @Ryan.Paredez post was split off into its own post and the title changed to reflect the question. 


Community Manager

Hi @Mohan.Krishna,


Do you think this would work?




Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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Dear Ryan,


Given link didnot help me to query unique user count.


For now, we are using distinctcount(cguid) from browser_sessions. But not sure, if this is right.


Best Regards

Mohan Krishna V


Hi Mohan


The query you are using is correct, however there is a bit of a problem using that.


AppDynamics as per the info Ryan shared below

Sessions persist until a period of user inactivity that you configure in the controller. Sessions can also end when the GUID is removed from local storage, which can happen for a number of reasons. For example, the user could clear local storage or the browser is configured to clear the local storage when the browser is closed


What would be the best way to get an accurate picture is to update your EUM adrum script with the Web Developers and add an additional variable to extract e.g username as a data field, and as such you can then get a true accurate count, irrespective if the user clears his cache etc.



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Thank you Mario.


Jst a quick query. If the user is not clearing the cache & the browser is not configured to use local storage.


Given above condition, can we assume browser_records.cguid corresponds to each unique user.. I mean no new cguids will be generated if the same user is trying to access application multiple times from multiple browsers via same machine ?  In case different machines from the same user, whether a new cguid will be generated for the same user.


Best Regards

Mohan Krishna V