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Community access restored to most members

I've been able to make some changes to restore community engagement access to most members.

Follow the blog post for up to date information

We thank you for your patience while we get this fixed

Transaction Snapshots filtering

New Poster

Hi all,

I was trying to get details on some detected backends, for example what was the call type (async, RMI, etc.) and the class:method used for the exit call, typically detailed into transaction snapshots.

Although in the application dashboard these backends are available, there is no way to view only the snapshots that include a specific backend.  Instead one has to go through all the snapshots randomly until it finds the one of interest.

The only filtering available on the transaction snaphots currently is via

  • Business Transaction
  • Error
  • Execution Time
  • HTTP request Details
  • Data Collector
  • GUIDs


I think the filtering on the backend could help in faster investigation and troubleshooting.